sadly a bit of a not good season boring battle pass ehh mechanics, not too bothered about missing out on the tier 100

It's not quite 0 but somehow i ended up enjoying this game's combat system a lot more with the XP system. Majima Everywhere is amazing. The story itself is really good, bit condensed and felt like everything happened really fast, which I guess is expected after coming straight from 0. There was a lot of death in this one, I guess I'll find out what they were cooking with that in kiwami 2.

Only real thing holding it back is the god awful boss design.

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Really great game, loved all the characters even though Amarant is just kinda there. The story for this was very classic feeling and that was great, the last 2 discs picked up the story a lot and the game went on to tell a great message about living life to its fullest.

Before everything gets explained though, the story is all over the place and probably doing too much. A lot of great locations and incredible artwork especially for the PS1 but even with this, the set pieces and motivations are a bit hard to follow until the very end. End portion was great if not slightly overrated.

Gameplay can be a bit slow and a lot of the cool features rely on grinding so I was a big fan of the pause menu cheats that helped speed up the process a lot. Still an old game however so shoutout to that one IGN guide I had to read cause I kept getting lost at the end.

Good JRPG, 8.5/10

old game syndrome aside, this game was incredible, the story was very basic yeah but the characters were so good, the music was outstanding and I loved every moment of it (old game sydrome aside)

this game's cast may be one of my favourite ever, if not just for that entire end sequence

I mean it was alright, very good battle pass and I really enjoyed the augments as an addition so they bring it up a lot of points (hammer was also funny)

this game is nice, I enjoyed it a good amount, memorable characters really liked golbez and cecil a lot more than I was expecting, overall a really solid and fun video game (i needed a guide the entire game)

really fucking fun game, horrendous dialogue (and some characters) but the story is actually decent

yeah this is when xiv gets GOOD

shounen mod saves it from being insufferable, pretty fun board game aside from that

its fun annoying sometimes but an overall solid game

its ok (clarifying I watched the cutscenes on youtube)

(watched cutscenes) better than saga 1, space dmc and cool shit, I liked this movie

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Speaking in terms of gamplay, perfection to almost every degree, the ultimate game of player expression and freedom and I fucking loved it. Too much game being there is also a problem, I got fatigued and overwhelmed by the amount of content a lot but still enjoyed it regardless.

The story goes into territory that I never thought a zelda game would, it was great but the method they told it was very poor. All the while, many of the characters end up getting put to the side and underdeveloped. The ancient sages have no character whatsoever and all of the new sages have copy pasted dialog, which is a massive shame. The complete lack of explanation for the erasure of botw characters and monuments was very strange too, I have no idea why they did this and it really needed to go into more detail with it. To top it all off, when you think about it too hard, the story is the EXACT same as botw's but on a larger scale. It's very much a second breath of the wild over a sequel to breath of the wild.

All that aside, when you have this much to nitpick about a game, it means you're looking for things to dislike about it. I fucking loved this game (please do not make a sequel to this one nintendo and if you do please change it up a lot more next time).

this game's plot twists are a little silly goofy but I'd be lying if the ending wasnt the biggest piece of peak fiction

gameplay was impeccable