yeah im thinking ✰✰✰✰✰

some of the coolest shit you’ve ever seen in your life gatekept by a very not-great first half

The spiderman 2018 and miles morales formula taken to the extreme, incredibly fun gameplay with its new traversal + combat tools and mechanics along with a really solid story to go with it.

Sadly I felt it didnt quite hit the emotional peaks of the first 2 games and it also felt a ton shorter. Overall, I heavilly enjoyed it, please change up the formula a little in the next game🙏

Kurisu and Rimi are awesome but its very much mid

breaking bad if it was fucking awesome

just figured i'd review this now since i beat the game ages ago but havent been able to find the part 4 DLC download

its a banger rawness in its purest form, gameplay is dogshit but that DOESNT MATTER this is just a button masher interactive anime and it's great (wish the ending of the game wasnt locked behind dlc)

probably the most revolutionary game ive ever played, real gaming right here

fun game, lacks party interactions

decent collection, yeah

-games look great
-games are pretty great (ignore many cases where they are not)

-yakuza 3 and 4 not having pausable cutscenes for some reason??

a psp game down to its very core, I would say soulful but the ending is too good for that so its mid (I liked it a good amount)

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need to divide my thoughts on this one

-I absolutely loved the style
-the soundtrack is great although it gets repetitive very fast
-very solid main cast (beat in particular).

-gameplay was great in concept but actually terrible in all the options they give you, I found myself situationally switching between handheld and tv mode for different bosses. It was so close to doing something interesting pretty well.
-mostly unfun boss fights as a result of this
-kind of anti climatic ending that also didnt make much sense (I need to read up on a lot but as someone who knew that certain character should be suspected (didnt know what they were), I was very let down that the game just ended after the reveal.

I have a lot of researching into the bonus content to do because I really want to like this game but maybe the sequel will do it for me

Dated as hell in terms of gameplay while at the same time being insanely far ahead of the game in storytelling through the medium. Kojima you are a master. I hope to play Twin Snakes or potentially an even better remake someday (I wouldn't have enjoyed the game as much if it wasn't for cheats in the last hour or 2).

This is genuine cinema right here, and some of the best i've ever witnessed.

I really wish they committed to the final fantasy from the beginning. This is among the best of the ones I've played, the scale is so mindblowingly massive that it felt absurd when you remember it takes place in a medieval setting. That is my only complaint (side quest quantity as well but im not gonna complain about more game).

The gameplay is immaculate, the cast is one of the best in the series, the story is brilliant in so many moments and I shed genuine tears to a game for the first time in years once it was all done.

Another certified Square Enix masterpiece 10/10