"The women are a total knockout!" -Ryu Hayabusa. We all know Ryu ain't saying all that, but the back of the game case says he did on another note played the arcade with every character was going nuts because the AI is focking bonkers, but it's crazy how a jumping kick gives Raidou the quick breaks just block that shit cuzzin.

Pretty fun game, very short though the ranged weapons do so much damage, including the continuous flying swallow that attack just melts anything. I have to say this game gets tiring on your hands after a while as all the gameplay revolves around the stylus, but overall it is quite a solid NG game.

Still a good version of NG, not better than Ninja Gaiden Black because BLACK is THE GOAT. Also, a lot of things were changed that bothered me besides the Rachel chapters, like, for example, the slow menu where you have to click x multiple times for it to pick a weapon, or the fact that there are barely any puzzles anymore, which made the game feel a tad bit more plain in some parts than it should have been, but the bow and arrow jump and shoot is a fantastic addition. You can only do Sigma, which is a fantastic addition. You can do some really cool stuff with explosive arrows, which is great fun, other than the lots of unnecessary changes the game has.

Ninja gaiden black might just be my favorite hack n slash video game ryu is coldest ninja no words just straight hands.

Very fun a supposed "port," of the first one on NES but a very different game to the NES game, so its definitely worth playing. It's pretty crazy you can store ninpo like you have a ninpo bank you can just spam it at the end, but this game truly makes the NA title Ninja GAIDEN finally make sense even though it's not canon LOL!

This game is random as hell ryu has a crazy hitbox on his sword and he floats like he's in space but its still quite the fun game for what it is

The Ninja Gaiden trilogy might be one of my favorites on the NES next to Castlevania. All three games are great in their own way, but the damage in this one is insane. The enemies just smack a big glob of your health, so sometimes when you're already at the boss, you're bound to die instantly. Besides that, the game's sword upgrade feature is really nice and reminds me of Castlevania and Strider's weapon upgrading. The story is the weakest of the other two, but the gameplay makes up for it.

The bangers just don't stop. This is another classic. They made many improvements throughout the second game, one of which was being able to climb upward or downward on walls rather than having to be stuck in one position or tap jump like in NGNES 1. Great game. I love the double-shadow ninja power that makes you feel so powerful. Being able to attack or evade and attack, then having the ninja just rhythmically slash whichever boss you're up to, such a great nes series.

Hitting a replay of all the classic Ninja Gaiden games. This one is still a classic, all though that last level almost made me lose my mind as usual, but the gameplay is a lot of fun when you know what to do and get past the learning curve. You feel powerful running and slashing through your enemies.

Another banger this is the easiest NG ive played thus far but incredible game for the GB the city in backgrounds look amazing and the boss fights and stages are great fun

Ninja Gaiden arcade I had a great time playing it. I originally did not know this version existed, but I'm glad to have gone back to play it, and boy, the end of this game is something else. Temco sure does love boss rushes. Another note to self i need to 1CC this game later on.

This game has its moments, but it is not as fun as Shinobi 1. The boss fights are lackluster. One of the bosses is just a train that shoots fireballs. Note to self: I need to come back to this and 1CC this game later on.

Forgot to add this played 4 months ago very fun base game need to play dlc

Had a great amount of time and fun with this one even if i do dislike rage arts

Such a classic the TRUE beginning of a legendary fighting game series