Probably my favorite PS2 era MegaTen game, the gameplay is really fun and a big improvement from the first game, I really like the characters in this game and how they expanded more on the Kuzunoha's, the story is good but I'm gonna be honest I really liked how much more crazy the first one was in comparison to this one
Devil Summoner still holds up as my favorite MegaTen series, something about these games connects really well with me and just bring me joy whenever I play them really


Nothing but short of amazing, everything related to the story is amazing, the characters, the world, the side quests, everything so fucking great and that also applies to the gameplay and music all phenomenal.
This game made me realize how much I'm glad to have played through all Xenoblade games this year they're all so good just so good, they may have flaws, they may look stupid even, but these are amazing games beyond all that, fuck you monolith soft I love what you did with these worlds and I'm really interested to see what you have to offer in Future Redeemed

Probably the worst MegaTen I've played so far

This remake is simply amazing, the changes it brought with it really only serves to enhance the original story Arcueid's route is pretty much the same with only some differences like the appearances of the new characters and how some scenes play out and of course the exclusion of most sex scenes but it's the closest route to it's original counterpart which was amazing, on the other hand Ciel's Route is really different from the original while still carrying some resemblance to the original, it also shows a bit more of the new characters and make them more relevant to the story, and the route being this different from the original really makes it stronger Roa is more flashed out and makes him into more of a compelling character overall and also the writing is still great
As a whole this remake is just really good it removes the jarring stuff from the original but doesn't strip it from what made it great while also adding things to make it an even greater story, it's peak

Carl Jung described the ego as the conscious mind's center and emphasized its role in mediating between the unconscious and external reality. He believed in understanding and integrating the different aspects of the psyche, including the ego, for a balanced and healthy personality. Jung viewed the ego as a necessary element but cautioned against its overidentification, advocating for a harmonious relationship with the unconscious to achieve individuation.

I just played 5 hours straight of this game to finally get ending E, I think I had hallucinations partway through it and it was quite interesting maybe that's the way Yoko Taro intended to make this game truly a genius
Anyways the story is pretty good and so are the characters and the gameplay is so yeah a really unique experience overall

This is my 5th Zelda game that I beat and yeah it's good, really good
The new mechanics that it presented are really fun and better than the ones in BOTW I'd say, they make mobility and traversal around the maps much better with the exception of like early in the game with traversing through rivers and stuff like that, which makes me miss Cryonis a bit, but other than that a really big improvement.
The map is also bigger 2 and a half a bigger to be exact, we have normal Hyrule which has it's differences but it's practically the same as the one in BOTW but there's still a lot of new stuff to do there, there's the depths which I absolutely despite because it's the exact same size as the normal Hyrule but inverted (mountains are pits, pits are mountains) and it's very dark and while it does give you the tools to explore it I've never really been interested in exploring it because at first I was scared of it but after I got insanely strong I just didn't want to bother with it because it's filled with gloom, gloom being like the malice of BOTW but instead of just damaging you if you stand on it it'll take a heart away from you, the depths is probably fun but uh it just didn't interest me that much there's also a quest involving Kohga in there which seemed interesting but I forgot to do it so uh yeah my fault, and then there's the sky which is way smaller but I'd say more enjoyable not much to say about it tbh.
The story is I'd say more interesting than BOTW, characters are more fleshed out and there's some cool stuff happening there, not sure how it compares to the rest of the Zelda games to be honest.
In conclusion:
This game reminded me that I fucked up my MM 3DS and forcing me to reset my run, so just because of that it loses half a score

This game was a really big struggle to beat, I've played it for the first time in 2018/2019 and only just beat it now, in 2021 I actually did get close to the ending but after 2 years I had no idea what was going on so I decided to restart and now I finally beat this game
It's good maybe really good actually, at first it's kinda uninteresting but then around the halfway point it gets better and better, I find it really nice how this games connects itself with the first game and it's own world is very interesting, the protagonists are good I think I like them all the game does a good job at making them likable.
The combat is still difficult for me to talk about because I don't feel anything about it really, but I'd say it's good not sure how it compares to the first game to be honest.
The exploration is nice and the settings are pretty lively, to be honest this game in general has some really pretty sceneries even with the switch graphical limitations.
Overall XC2 was a nice surprise just like XC1 but probably to a much higher degree considering my struggles to actually get into this game

This one was also good, I think I might like it more compared to FF one due to it's world and characters, of course it's still simple but there's something that's very melancholic about the world even though most of it is conveyed trough the music, which is amazing.
this time the main characters have a bit of a personality of their own though it's not that fleshed out, but it's better than the ones in the first game.
As for the gameplay it's weird, exploration is pretty much the same except for it's structure at the start and the fact that there are hidden rooms and chests now, combat is more personally interesting but not all that different, the major one being magic which every character can learn now and they level up as you use them, which is the same for weapons, talking about leveling up there are no levels in this game what you actually level are, as I said, the weapons and magic skills which is kinda weird but after a while you get used to it, that would make the game pretty grindy but since there are boosts in how long it takes to level up them in the Pixel Remaster it isn't that much of a problem

Final Fantasy is a really simple and charming game, this is the second FF game that I've played, first one being IV, and it was an interesting experience seeing that even in the first game this series already had a lot of passion to be honest, like I said it's very simple from it's story to gameplay but it never felt barebone or lacking, just a really short and fun game

I actually have almost no words to express how good of a story Umineko is, and maybe that's for the better considering the nature of this VN
First the obvious stuff, Amazing OST really solid and consistently good throughout it's entirety, amazing Voice Acting specially from BEATRICE's VA Sayaka Ohara.
Now comes the hard part of writing this, the actual mystery and "structure" of the story, also amazing the way it deceives but also leads the reader to the right direction when trying to discover the Truth, always giving not only to Battler but also to the reader new ways to tackle the various events to explain them without magic, and it's just so engaging even though there's no gameplay it's just you reading and viewing the story play out and it's all on you to figure out, to actually think and while it sounds like a pain it's done in a masterful way really and just really hooks the reader and when you do find It's just so satisfying and everything fits in so nicely.
Outside of the mystery there's it's main message of how important is the truth really and I think it's conveyed in a really nice way, and maybe I should stop writing here since if I go any further I might start spoiling the game.
And I think that's all I can say, while I have a lot to talk about it I would probably spoil some things here and there, but one last thing that I have to add is that one of the things that contributed to making me love this Visual Novel is how it tackles on the topic of perspectives with the multiple truths being able to coexist about a single event AKA Schrodinger's cat, theme that I'm obsessed with even though I don't really talk about it.

This game is silly but the gameplay was really nice, I can't really put my thoughts in to words because I don't really have any thoughts my head was completely empty while playing this game and it worked on it's favor
Still didn't surpass Ronde so that's an L for this game but other than that it's pretty good