This game is weird, but I still like the best way I can describe it is "better than 2 worst than 1", there's a lot of interesting things about the story with how guy's relationship with the bosses describes certain types of bad relationships you can have with someone, one of interesting, one of violence, etc, but at the same time due to time constraints there's some cut that would've been really cool to see and would expand upon the existence of the aliens who were probably demons with a lost past.
Gameplay is really fun specially on the switch with the motion controls, would've been nice to see more weapons but not a deal breaker

Holy peak.... Thanks Luci4 and Bismarck

I take this game for what it is tbh, most likely the weakest game on the Metal Gear Solid franchise, but still, I really like those characters and my brain just goes monkey mode when I see them, some characters piss me off tho (Naomi)

Peak, if possible play it on PC kinda stinks on controller

Finished Ciel's route
Current going through Arcueid's route