I don't really have much to say about this one, I started playing it in December and only finished it now (March) so there's some parts I don't really remember at least story wise so I'll just disregard that part
The gameplay was pretty nice actually, I thought learning how to play 4 different characters would be a pain but actually I liked it, Akiyama felt pretty nice and fun to play as, Saejima was bothersome at first but he ended being the character I played the most, Tanimura us the one I remember the least of but yeah it's good and Kiryu is Kiryu so yeah it's good as well

I didn't play this game and never will however what I will say is that Dante's Inferno is pretty overrated it's probably the worst book in Divine Comedy Purgatorio and Paradiso clears, however it got some pretty interesting and raw concepts that are really interesting to visualize
Also on the topic of Biblical fanfics, Paradise Lost is such an unexpected banger of a book, people make you expect it to be just Lucifer and his daddy issues but tbh it's much more than that and the later part of the book with Adam and Eve was so good
Anyways I think Fortnite isn't that good of an RPG it just fails to stand out and the story was quite lackluster

I played this game just because I thought Soma Cruz looked cool, but then I fell in love with Castlevania and and started hating Konami even more
Great hame

While I don't remember much of this game's story I can tell it's not just incomprehensible nonsense like many people used to say it was, there's some interesting parallels with the real world specially with how this game tackles on 9/11 and politics overall
Gameplay wise this game is just fantastic, incredibly addicting and unique and with addition of it's cel shading this game has a lot of style making it a really memorable game

This was my first Fire Emblem game that I played with perms death and I enjoyed it quite a lot, it gave a spotlight to some units who I'd never had used if this game didn't have Perma death, so yeah, pretty good first impression
The gameplay was pretty addicting, so much so that I beat this game in like 4-5 days, I thought it would be boring because the maps in this game are huge, but honestly the rest of the game was so entertaining that I didn't mind the maps sizes
I didn't pay much attention to the story but from there's some interesting moments in this game that I liked quite a bit and found interesting how some of them were tied with the gameplay itself

I'm going to be honest I love this game, I find interesting what they did with Travis character and I think the gameplay was really fun, you can feel suda's appreciation for indie games and also one of the coolest parts of this game is how the story relates itself with Suda's story, just a very nice game
also the Travis Strikes Back stories were weird and felt like a pipedream, I like them

I'm not going to treat this game like the antichrist because there's still some redeemable factors about it, those being the bosses design for the most part and, of course, the OST, but I think that's were my praises about the game ends
First off let's talk about the gameplay, the lack of variety in it really bothered me, in NMH1 there were some moments were during boss battles they would break the gameplay cycle from just beating a bunch of guys and then going to the boss, but this game lacked that even when it did break I couldn't enjoy it at all shinobu's gameplay were bad the platforming was just bad, and I feel like they could've done something more with Henry but eh whatever
The map is also gone which is kinda sad I kinda liked that map in the first game but instead of them trying to improved they straight up just removed it for some reason? And it looks like they had a complete model for the map but they just didn't use it for some reason
The jobs are also optional some of them were fun so I don't have much to complain about it
There's some missed opportunities with how they handled bishops death making the revenge thing optional
And the boss battles just weren't fun for me, but I did find some of them interesting in a story stand point even if that's one of the weakest part of the whole game

This one was my first SH game and I think it really did a favor for this game, this game didn't really need to be a Silent Hill game but also the way Konami advertised this game really did it a disservice, it's not a remake or a remaining of the first game it really just has the characters names and that's it the rest is just not silent hill, and I don't think that's a bad thing, I like how the game shapes itself by the players choice, and I found the psychological thriller aspect of this game
I look back at this game foundly, I find it calming just exploring the city of silent hill during that snowstorm, but it does get kinda ruined with the otherworld sections which is probably the weakest part of the game in my opinion

I love this game, I really want a patch for this game because I know how much of a deal breaker playing it with a translated script is and I really want people to play this game, the atmosphere in this game is immaculate, the characters are so memorable, and while it kicked my ass for a year (I still have trauma of Demiurge) it's a fun game overall

Words aren't enough to describe how fantastic this game is, I already went expecting it to have a really hard hitting story but god, this is so good

Thanks Bismarck for making me play peak
Don't play the 3DS version btw it's mid

Honestly I think most MGS games clear this one but it's fun I like the gameplay and the OST, unfortunately ruined by unfunny people, but eh whatever