Feels great to play, and when it remembers it's Halo, it really shines. It does feel like it's missing some of the massive fights and understandable stakes of the older games. It also very much feels like a lot of content was cut.

Kirby saying poyo gives me the serotonin

Plot is a bit all over, and the final set of fights were a weird spike of difficulty/force of strategy change. Some great music and customisation though.

It definitely feels more like a proof of concept at times, and has it's issues including feeling barebones. If this is the direction Pokemon is going to move in though, it's definitely a good change of pace.

Finally more 2D Metroid, and the sequel to Fusion I never expected. Sometimes the EMMI sections were a bit of an annoyance, but overall a fantastic return to 2D for the franchise.

The gameplay feels really great, with the job system implemented here being something I would love to see in future games. The overall feel and story is something I really vibed with, though it can definitely be divisive. Also, even now 5 months after release, performance issues are still quite an issue.

While the writing can be a bit simplistic and cringe (though I was pretty hear for it), the feel of this game is just phenomenal. Each level plays like a puzzle as you slowly figure out the intended path, the intended shortcuts, and then make your own. The art style fits the game perfectly, focusing on style over detail, which would be missed as you go speeding through an environment. I don't remember the last game pulled me in enough to complete every level with a top rank and collect every collectable, but Neon White pushed me to do it. Also, the soundtrack goes hard.

This game is a real vibe, and one that really worked for me. All the different pieces fit together, from the visuals, the great soundtrack, the writing, and the rhythm-based gameplay. The game knows what it wants to be and is unashamed, and this combined with the enjoyable core gameplay led to a great experience. As someone who enjoys rhythm games, it made the sort of action/combo fighter gameplay more accessible, with the beat system making it easier to chain together combos and get into the groove of combat.

Being a shadow-drop out of nowhere, the game's popularity speaks to it's quality, helped by it's very reasonable price tag.

Originally was drawn in by the art style and the vibe, and the game really didn't disappoint me. I enjoyed the straightforward gameplay (even though it seemed to be a bit feast or famine), but the strongest element for me was the characters and setting. I found myself invested in the Eye and the lives of the people I met, and felt pangs of loneliness during several goodbyes.

Mostly I appreciate that it doesn't overstay it's welcome, I was able to see most endings and finish out the story in less than 8 hours which is exactly what I prefer nowadays.

Really enjoyable writing and characters I grew to enjoy even in such a short time. Big fan of the art style. I do wish it was a bit easier to go back and try different choices without starting from zero, but that just means I'll have to replay later down the line.

I'm glad I finally took the time to play this properly. Lovely characters, fantastic music, and some great gameplay ideas and twists. Especially being in such a nicely short package, it's definitely a game people should take the time to experience for themselves.

Sticking with a nearly 100 hour long single player game is difficult for me nowadays, but I'm glad I finally got a chance to complete this. I always knew the style and music was high quality, but I really did enjoy meeting all the characters and seeing them grow. Finishing made me feel a little hollow wondering what would happen next for everyone.

While the writing does feel like a step down (especially many of the support conversations), the game feels great to play. Lots of customisation options for units, and the further use of Emblems is a cool addition. I am also a sucker for "Oh, a reference I understand" which the game has quite a bit of.

It also had possibly the funniest title drop I've seen in a game.

Colgate-chan fights on.

A lovely little game, the orchestrated music is really nice, and the cute art style definitely grows on you.

Main criticisms are some performance problems (that's the Switch for you) and that you can definitely feel some of the age around the edges in terms of design.
Definitely an enjoyable (and nicely short) adventure!