Completely different experience than my first playthrough. This time I went with a Throwing knife/Sword/Single shot rifle build with a boost to health. the choices I made in the game were different and made it feel like brand new and I had a great time. I recommend multiple playthroughs of this. Btw that secret ending is like a chef feeding me nothing but delicious food daily.

I can't believe this is actually here. of all my time but into this about an hour is what I've got. If that is a lot then oof.

My favorite of the trilogy. I like the Tanuki Tail and being able to turn into a statue but other than that it's just a good ol' fashioned Mario game

This game had me a couple times with some of the twists. playing through a second time kinda takes away from the experience. I feel like it's a one and done kinda game though it's more like an explosion instead of fire cracker

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Inhale Let me tell you. This game. This Story. The way Ezio jumps off a building when I CLEARLY didn't want to do that. I love it. I've played this a numerus amount of times because I love Italy and the world with it's characters. now all the best praise aside.
I have 2 missing trophy. TWO. "In memory of Petruccio" you have to collect 100 feathers all around Italy to unlock the Auditore cape. I am missing but a single feather. ONE. I have no idea how many times I've been through a walkthrough but to no avail. once I get that feather I get the cape. Then wear the cape in all the different areas of Italy simply to receive the "Show Your Colours" Trophy thus immediately giving me the Platinum.

Ezio is the greatest revenge story in the entirety of the series but that missing feather forever has a hold on my soul. I feel incomplete.

I played this for a couple hours just to see what the fuss was about and it is a gorgeous game from what I saw but after that I never returned, I didn't even do anything of significance. I was also much younger so maybe I'll give it a go again one day.

I played this when it was first released and into season 1 but haven't played since. A very fun game honestly. It is very competitive and the things I've seen some people pull off is insane. I could never fly like them but breaking ankles was my specialty.

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A fantastic comeback for Classic Sonic. Nostalgia thanks Christian Whitehead. Played through it 5 times just to see how fast I could get through. Great time, Story wasn't a priority to me here. Loved the Chaos Emerald chase minigames

Top 5 game for me. This is the best format of levels and story telling. Introduced the Edgehog which was a massive win for SEGA. Spent most of the hours trying to A Rank everything and had MANY Chao to take care of.

This game was a very correct way of rebooting a franchise. This game is action PACKED and I loved the tombs that were discoverable. Lara will forever be a bad ass and walking through cool temples is always a good time

Love that classic Zelda. Don't remember it much though besides some nostalgic memories

Multiple playthroughs, So much time following traffic laws and blowing up Hos...bad guys. The time I had with Nico Bellic was the best bowling experience I've ever had. (Cheats are now on cellphone ;) )

Great storytelling on all 3 of the characters sides. The many many ways you can replay the game make you want to pick a personality for one of the characters during a playthrough. Wanted to see what would happen if Connor was Protocol only. Best playthrough.

The best 3D Mario game imo. This game just felt so nice to play with FLUDDs movement and hover mechanics. Characters, missions and locations are just peachy. Sometimes I wanna commit a federal crime whenever Mario just doesn't listen to me. 10/10

Uncharted at it's finest. Didn't think we would get another one after 3 but this was a perfect conclusion to Nathan Drakes journey. Cinematically gorgeous and funny af. Troy Baker with Nolan North never fails.