Watched it first then bought it for my friend to play on the laptop on a 4 hour drive home. craziest drive home with an awesome twist. Mind blown.

Tried starting it a few times but just couldn't keep playing it. got bored or had better things to play and I don't plan on picking it up. But I will say Handsome Jack is a damn good character.

2nd Sucker Punch game in my top 5. This is the most gorgeous game I have ever played. Every area is breath taking and the photo mode being super well made makes it even better. I've spent hours taking photos in this. I regret not getting the collectors edition to this. Fighting is a treat and the Characters and story are amazing.

Really good at first. Gets a little boring as time continues. Chloe just makes me want to slam my head against a wall. the ending kind of stinks but we all know what the correct and right choice was.

Not at all my community or cup of tea. No thank you. Reminds of of the 360 cod lobbies back in the day....Plus I'm abysmal at it so some of their points are valid?

Super fun with friends. Yeah I got sucked into buying crates but for the amount of time I spent along with buying it at 40 bucks years later? Worth. Say it with me now: I understand the pain of a healer main.

Controversies aside
Spell mechanics in the world and combat are super fun. Mini games are fun. Traversal is fun. Magic and things to do are fun.
Story was kinda boring. feels like I was waiting for something more and it never came, and the end just blindsided me in a not good way. Also no quidditch. Not satisfied.

Good start to the DMC franchise. Ngl I was kind of confused and just smiled and nodded most of the time. This one boss that was a weird bug with mirrors and colours just needs to go apply to work for a 9-5 job for the rest of it's life. Alastor is an icon.

Fantastico. I actually had a great time (mostly) playing a Sonic game.
Characters actually got some depth to them and the music is bangin' just as always. mechanics weren't perfected AGAIN. BUT It's a damn good start. Cyberspace Boost stages were pretty goooood. Post launch free updated content was done with pure love and I appreciate that.

I was never really good at first person shooters on console. I am that guy who gets carried in these types of games. Loved calling out BOOMER then getting absolutely stomped by a jockey the moment I break off the group for a moment. SFM is very much appreciated.

Ocarina of time part 2 even though I played this before OoT. Much Creepier, confusing for the dumb kid that I was. It was one of my first N64 games ever. If only Tingle sold a map for Adulthood...

Gotta give credit where credit is due...I bow before this game specifically only because this game is it. Decent game nowadays but I owe most of my hobbies to this game.

Cute, Fun, Got the Sonic outfits. I'm out. but it was fun while it lasted

I was a child visiting my cousin who owned this whenever my parents wanted to drop me off at my aunts for the weekends. I spent many a weekend working out with my fellow CJ and using every cheat imaginable to become an anime protagonist. Jet packs made me unhinged.

Ngl I was first in line at my local Gamestop to get this game. I was one of the people who were saved by this game during Covid. Late nights with friends mixed with the good ol' Money laundering Red provides so I can always give my first to blathers and my soul to Nook Inc.