You mine and yes, you do also craft. One of the best games in history.

This game and series has the best slow burn romance in gaming. From the absolutely gushing with charm world and characters to the enticing edge of your seat gameplay that makes you feel like you dwarf Stephan Hawking's brain, this game is an absolute treat that I can recommend to anyone who can read at or above the fourth grade level.

Hello Kingdom Hearts fans, did you like the tragedy aspect of your series? Arguably it's most enticing feature outside of the sick combat and occasional Disney charm? Me too! It's a shame this game decides to throw it out the window the moment you get to the start of this game's climax. This game is like if Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame were one movie and it was 30 minutes long. Smell my feet Nomura, Days was perfect and you ruined everything.

Did you play the first game and not the GBA card game? Me too, but if you were also hoping it'd be the same shit, but WAY better than we're still on the same boat. The series peaked hard here on every front besides story.

Mickey Mouse? Cloud Final Fantasy? No it's these three stupid kids going on some fever dream ass adventure about hearts and light and darkness. And which one of those is Kingdom Hearts? Beats me, but in this game it's light. A fun and adorable time with voice acting that'll give the original Speed Racer dub a run for it's money that anyone who likes Disney and/or Final Fantasy can and should get behind at least once.

I waited way too long for this game that didn't fill the Persona 5 hole in my heart. They fixed it with Royal, but the original game still delivers a wonderful experience that now is obsolete.

If this game was made by anyone other than Nintendo then it would be got-damn excellent, however Nintendo has proved time and time again before and around this game's release that they are capable of a much more polished and well defined Super Mario platforming experience. The FLUDD is a welcome addition to Mario's move set for this one time, but the moment they take it from you it becomes apparent that they stopped fine tuning Mario's controls once they added it in. Except for The Shell's Secret, that secret level is pretty tight. Some of the objectives and the collectibles in this game are just disgustingly exhausting as well. Despite how glaring these problems are the game's level design for the actual worlds themselves (sans the Hotel) are some of Nintendo's best. This game needed an extra 6 months to a year. True to most vacations, you expect it to be all fun in the sun, but it gets bogged down by the harsh reality of the less finer points in life.

The original Persona 5 was a wonderful and long awaited experience for me, but felt like it was missing something. It was this game's new content. I felt like I was playing Persona 5 again or the first time all over again and it blew me away.

This kid couldn't finish this game, but I finished on his mum.

An experience absolutely like no other. It falters in some places where past Zelda games didn't like the main story and the lack of proper dungeons, but it makes up for it in spades with it's world, characters, and atmosphere.

They called me that in highschool

Okami is the best traditional 3D Zelda game. This game OOZES charm, style, and a little of everything else.

Mega Man 3 is arguably better than the iconic masterpiece that is Mega Man 2. I won't be the Mega Fool making THAT argument though.

This is my favorite game of all time. The gameplay, writing on ALL fronts, and the visuals are all A+ especially for a 3DS game that has the same control scheme as Cooking Mama. This game needs not only a sequel, but a port or remaster or ANYTHING. I love it up and down, and yes even all around.

They really do be happy though.