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I came like they did on that pizza

he really was a Stranger of Paradise, and this truly was the Final Fantasy Origin

Konami please.
the ban list PLEASE

Link's Awakening was already really good, but Grezzo swooped in and once again makes one of the best remakes I've ever had the pleasure of making.

The game's story has really bad pacing issues and I don't care for most of the characters, but the actual video game is really good. Also The one guy having a Joker moment was legit the funniest thing in gaming.

Monster Hunter good. More Please.


First Halo, this game is easy.

This was a fun remake, a lot better than we all thought it was gonna be, but I can't stand Pokemon when its not giving me new content anymore.

There aren't many games that make me this appalled, but here we are

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Me before playing FFVII Remake: oh the remake was supposed to be the final part to the anthology that's cool
Me after playing FFVII Remake: Oh my god the Remake is the final part of the anthology

They got me to play a MOBA, I hate MOBA's.

Metroid Dread is everything I wanted from a new Metroid game plus a little more.

Miitopia is an adorable and fun experience that is honestly worth the $60 price tag just for the good times you can have with your friends or your favorite characters.