not even here am I safe from the blue rat. :/

If Pikmin 1-3 is exploring the unknown, in a planet filled with new creatures and locals. Than Pikmin 4 is exploring a nature park. Still unknown and mysterious, sure. But also familiar, welcome, and shockingly bustling with people and sources of the known. Thats my biggest takeaway here, I kept getting hung up on how little this world felt "alien". PNF-404 is not an unknown planet here, its a tourist attraction through and through, and it really made it lose a lot of the impact, melancholy, and beauty the original three games had. And when you did reach a level of tranquility in the game, you can be sure your crew is chatting up a storm, making sure to break that atmosphere. At least in mine opinion.

Gameplay wise its good! I think? If Pikmin 1-3 is commanding a small army of little guys. Pikmin 4 is commanding a commander of an army. To be honest I knew from the jump that Oatchi, (the lovable little dog guy) was the most brain-dead broken thing in the world and only upgraded his mobility. Even then not to max, and it still was far to overcentralizing! Hes just to strong, too important. I cannot imagine how this game plays with the dog at max power. His charge basically sure-fire killed anything that wasn't a boss. The autolock on normally was not an issue, but when it was? Wow was it.

I feel like two paragraphs of issues sounds like I hate it, but I really do not. Its a very fun, solid entry in this little series, that seems to have done its job in skyrocketing pikmin's profile in the popular culture. And I did like it! It was fun! But it losses at lot of what I enjoyed about the artistry of the first few games.

This game is hard for me to rank. It rides on its charm. it's impossible to deny, this game is absurdly cute, and it's hard to not have a smile when blasting through it.
This is not much of a game though, the main attraction is great cave offensive, but it's the only one that's over an hour long. Basically all of these games range between 2-20 minutes long. Never enough time to really explore themselves outside of Milky Way Wishes, which is also quite fun.
this is also a Kirby game, which means it's brain dead easy, I did this entire game during two long car rides and died maybe 3 times? Not once in the arena either. It certainly isn't a brain teaser by any means.
Like every Kirby game its carried on it's charm and it's carried quite a lot, but it's also very fun to play. Each copy ability has plenty to stand out and changes the pace just enough, my favorites this time being wing and it's break neck speed and super fun controls. As well as yoyo and plasma for their battle powers. This game also has the tag team option which is a fun gimmick.

Hey uh, what's with the racist boss by the way why does no one ever talk about that, and it's where master hand comes from?? WTH?

Three of these games are trivia show based games

The potato one just hated one of my friends and hit them with the curse every time it was their turn

overall its still jackbox its a grand old time but its def the worst one I've played

This game is fucking boring DAWG. Getting through this is a chore its so slow. No focus also really bums me out it makes shit so much harder. (maybe its just the muscle memory)

This is the first game where it feels like Touhou as itself truly comes into fruition. Reimu is witty enough, there's personality, and that off-kilter, mystical, dream-like, feeling that's so genuinely intrinsic to what Touhou is can be found here. That's what makes this game truly feel special, I think. Even if it's not what Gensokyo will become, its what Gensokyo was, and that can still be felt.

the greatest game ever made. Pure Soul

A fun solid fangame, but also an absurdly easy one. Shou and Hecatia make this a real notable one though. Fun cast.

For a free to play april fools game this is a really well done!

I love Sonic's little gaggle of goons they're a charming bunch so this was an enjoyable 2 hours where I distracted and started reading winnie the pooh halfway through.


proceeds to make a game that's a pretty standard visual novel

This one is really funny though so its okay.

this is vampire survivors but it has Touhou characters so I like it more. I do really like the RE esc item system... could use more music though...

This game kinda rules tbh. I forgot how genuinely stylish and cool Sonic can be. Where is this flavor in games like Frontiers or Forces or something.

Arguing with a fictional version of someone you lost an argument too 5 hours later in the shower: The video game

Impossible Quiz for the modern generation

Its pinball, but with a gen 3 coat of paint. That alone makes it very very pleasant, though not very remarkable

As a gacha game its good, great even! The pulls are very generous and plenty of events make getting your favorite easy, without breaking bank. Alternate outfits are also pretty good overall. A majority are tasteful, fun, and shy away from being bland pandering sex appeal (most of the time. I'm looking at you, Patchouli Knowledge's vacuum sealed ass)

As a Touhou game? This is awful dude. Almost every character is boiled down to their most basic, soulless fanon interpretations, the art is boring, and many characters are just not treated well. I'm not expecting a hyper-complex bullet hell in the gameplay department, but man is it brainless.

Overall I can't say I have a burning rage for this game as many others do, but I'm never impressed with it. They're cowards for not making Rinnosuke playable, btw.