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GOTY '23

Participated in the 2023 Game of the Year Event

Gone Gold

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Doom Eternal
Doom Eternal
Portal 2
Portal 2
Half-Life: Alyx
Half-Life: Alyx


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Metal Gear Solid

Jun 25

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Left 4 Dead 2 is the game to get a group of friends together to hop on with. A truly timeless masterpiece that just doesn't want to stop giving. With both the Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 campaigns accessible in L4D2, it's the ultimate zombie hoard shooter. It's extremely replayable due to the implementation of the director. The director can alter your run by deciding which items you'll find in specific locations, their frequency and quantity, and even sometimes altering map geometry. This feature alone makes the game almost infinitely replayable out the box. However, when you take into account that this game features the holy steam workshop, it takes things to completely new heights.

My friends and I have almost exclusively played this game with an absolute metric ton of mods as of recently, much to our frequent amusement. This, however, is in no way necessary to enjoy the game for hours upon hours with a group of friends.

If I had to show a non-gamer what games can be, I would probably show them Portal 2. This game does absolutely everything right, and I simply can't recommend it enough.

The gameplay is buttery smooth, the puzzles are wonderfully creative, the soundtrack is amazingly atmospheric, and it doesn't just stop at the single-player campaign; it even features a whole other co-op campaign to play with a friend. And if that's not enough for you, there are even community-created test chambers that will challenge even the most big-brained individuals.

What I can say about the campaign without going into spoilers is that it's, like the rest of the game, simply timeless. The characters are all so wonderfully charming and extremely memorable that even on multiple playthroughs, they make the game a joy to play. The test chambers are a blast to figure out, and it always feels rewarding when you finally get to the end. On repeat playthroughs, they might not be as intriguing since you know the answer already, but I have always waited enough time for my repeat playthroughs for them to not grow stale.

I wholeheartedly recommend this game to pretty much anyone, both new to gaming and veterans. It's an experience you won't forget.

Half-Life: Alyx is a 10/10 masterclass in VR gaming.
It is both a wonderful introduction to the world of virtual reality and a blast for those who already have experience with that world.

Valve has absolutely nailed the atmosphere, presentation, and gameplay here, making this game incredibly immersive and memorable. You can practically feel the world around you as you venture through new perspectives of City-17, with a soundtrack to boot. And let me tell you: Mike Morasky absolutely killed it with the soundtrack. It not only enhances the atmosphere of the game's environment but also hypes you up for its action.

Half-Life: Alyx is a must-play for anyone interested in virtual reality, and I cannot recommend it enough.