The plot of SH1 in visual novel format, occasionally asks you to make a decision. Surprisingly alright.

Let's port unfinished versions of the game with little to none of the original audio, what could go wrong?

Born From A Dream is a perfect little bitesized chunk of survival horror.

Never before have have I been so constantly on the verge of tears, almost the entire way through playing this, this game cements that walking simulators have their place as a method of storytelling. They're not quite a game (games require a failstate), and they're not quite a film, they're a new form of interactive fiction.
I'm not totally sure about the unfinished swan reference halfway in, but it only lasts a few moments, and doesn't detract from the experience too greatly.

The only other game I can realistically compare this to is The Hex, with it's total changes in gameplay style throughout the entire game, each level arguably being it's own game.

A world that can only be described as Silent Hill if the Otherworld was designed by Zdzislaw Beksinski, presented like Control, but does it live up to the sum of it's parts?

The puzzles are as good as they need to be and no better, the writing and voice acting is just fine, all the environments are... kinda varied?
It's split world premise is really cool and well utilised in big portions of the game, but sometimes they change the way it functions, sometimes just using the mirror system from Silent Hill Origins to travel between the mortal world and other world.
The story is engaging enough but lacking. Honestly that could describe the whole game, Engaging enough but lacking, it doesn't quite achieve it's enormous potential.

But let's take a step back, other than being published by Microsoft, this was made by a relatively small game, and is still at the scale of an indie title, this is a hugely impressive game that Bloober Team deserves celebration for this game, And I very much enjoyed my time with it, and it really scratched an itch I had for a game with a unique visual selling point.
I want to rate this half a star higher but I just can't bring myself to do it.

An absolutely average classic style RE game. It is an interesting tonal midpoint between 3 and four though, now all I've got to do is play RE0 and RE1R and I've played them all!

It's just more Yomawari, innit, definitely recommend both of these games.

Damn, saw a friend play part of this and finally got around to it, absolutely don't regret it.

There aren't games like Killer 7, and there absolutely shouldn't be.

This is my first proper Suda51 game and holy shit, the story was great, the imagery and direction was great, so much about this game is so unique, there has never been a game like this before.
This is a game that always slips under the radar, it even slipped under mine until I saw it played.

I don't even know how to describe it (which isn't a problem I normally have), it's so atmospheric, has such a unique look mixing it's horror imagery, sci-fi premise, and something else that I don't even think has a name.

The only problems I have is that the game is a little longer than it needs to be, maybe it's because I've spent the last two months playing six hour games, but this game being almost double that hit me hard, but I still finished it in just under three days (helped by the game's more-ish-ness) and that the game's story can sometimes feel heavy-handed, but that's just a taste thing. I also found the menus a little clunky, especially the character screen, recovery always felt like a chore, but again that might just be a me thing. Finally, some of the bosses could have been more interesting, I remember one specifically where I just stood there and shot, occasionally switching characters so as to not die, it felt challenging but unengaging, but that was one of my only real negative moments with the game. (I was going to mention the constantly repeating voice lines on killing enemies but honestly it's not as annoying as it feels like it should be.)

This is a batshit crazy game that won't leave you the same;

and I think I recommend it? It's surprisingly approachable if you're open-minded about gameplay, and even more open-minded about story (but I'd say that about a lot of Japanese action titles).

I didn't even finish this game, I got to my third try of the final boss and realised that I wasn't having fun, and hadn't had fun for the majority of the game. I've finally played all of the Resident Evil games, but at what cost...

At first I was like 'oh this game has some cool mechanics and it's even more of a wacky mid-point between the tone of 1-3 and the tone of 4-6, let's see where this goes'
big mistake
no fun to be had here.

Sadly dips as it goes on but the first half of the game is absolutely flawless and mindblowingly incredible, the art design, open levels, combat freedom, animations, graphical quality and music are all phenomenal,

Fantastic art design, creature design and costume design, fantastic combat, breathtaking music (seriosuly one of the best game soundtracks ever). This game is perfect.

Just finished this game in one day, it's very short but not a minute is wasted. The puzzles are fun but sadly not too challenging, I never found myself truly stuck. This helps the flow of the game though, and where the first game felt like it was very much trying to ape playdead's games, but this game has a lot more of its own identity, which ironically brings it closer to the quality of playdead's games.
The enemy designs suffer a lot less from cluttered monster design and goes a lot deeper into the uncanny valley by keeping the enemies more human.
The addition of combat works great and is used very effectively, and really adds to the tension.
Each level feels unique, and giving each level a unique mechanic is inspired.

But let's be honest the big selling point is the art design. I've alluded to it a couple of times and damn is it a step up in this game, which is saying something as it was the highlight of the first game. There's more variety, more restraint and more creativity with every environment, character and setpiece in the game, everything is wonderfully animated and used perfectly.
The structure is also wonderful, balancing chase scenes, puzzles and combat in a perfect way that takes this game from a standard puzzle platformer in gameplay to almost a retro-style survival horror game (even the controls are the same as the original silent hill and resident evil).
This is a game that I can't recommend enough to everyone and is definitely the best game I've played so far this year.

I'm sure that, over time, my opinion of the game will go down as I forget exactly how good this game is, but right now I'm absolutely blown away. I was expecting a step down from an already just ok game, but this not only fixed all my issues, but added several mechanics that create some much needed depth and variety to the gameplay.

A pretty good survival horror game, the big gimmick could play into the gameplay a little more, but the gimmick is so fun to the point where I actively kept my sanity low just to see what it would pull out. Feels a little too derivative of resi but it is it's own thing enough that it's well worth playing.

Really great game that isn't afraid to have fun with gameplay and story and give the player a lot of freedom, it wears it's inspirations on its sleeves (to say the least), but it's honestly one of the best games of 2020, though it does feel odd calling both AC Valhalla and this some of the best of 2020 when they're so simmilar.

Surprisingly solid for its age and what it's based on but way too bloated and barely even works without some modding, but I installed some recommended mods (about two hours in I quit and installed the killer app mod (not to be confused with the GBA game that I can only recommend for emulation of the original arcade games) which is more of a mod compilation than anything and fixes a lot of big and small issues with the game) and after that it was basically smooth sailing.

Again, this game is very bloated but has only just enough gameplay and environment variety to carry it, there's only so much you can do with tron.
This is still likely better than both movies and I'm glad enough that I sunk almost 12 hours into this.