Really interesting visuals, super fun and smooth gameplay and a great drop-in-drop-out gameplay loop, definitely one I'll be playing a lot.

Honestly haven't got much to say.
Perfected, clean, varied and creative gameplay. Next-level level design and really appealing art design, and the most perfectly executed difficulty curve I've ever seen in a video game.

You could say this was the year of time loop games, with Returnal, Loop Hero, Echoes of the Eye and this. And every single one of those games is awesome, this stands out though, other than EOTE, as a highlight, easily the best game Arkane have released in their new lineup, just generally a triumph.

Some of the writing gets on my nerves, some of it is really endearing and charming, especially in the second half, but the first couple of hours just have me wincing with every other line.

A must-play that I'll easily be coming back to again very soon.

And I've not even talked about the entire other game mode yet.

I'll be the first to admit, I did this game dirty. The past two times I've tried to play this I've been put off by the awful keyboard controls and some iffy gameplay quirks (I'm looking at you, dodge mechanic), and because of those things I've never played past the first episode before, what a mistake!

This is a super polished, super fun and super satisfying shooter, Remedy knows how to make a slick and unique take on gunplay combat. The writing is so very on-the-nose, as Sam Lake's writing tends to be, and this entry in particular is extremely self-indulgent but it's still an enjoyable and engrossing story that keeps you hooked!

This is definitely a game that gets better and better as it goes on, the first episode is easily a weak point. (Why are they episodes and not chapters?? This is a story about a writer, come on!!)

Glad to have finally finished this one and it's DLC, the remastered edition is a great way to play and the adaptive triggers on PS5 are great, now I've just gotta sit and wait for Alan Wake 2... And of course play Control again.

Never been more quickly put off by a game, 30 minutes in you start the first proper mission (after two seperate gameplay tutorials, one which teaches you basic combat, and another which teaches you basic combat but every three seconds it comes up with a tooltip), mission begins, you run two feet, the game stops you and tells you it's combat time now, you do basic attacks on 3 enemies twice and they're all down, warning that combat is over, run three steps, warning that combat is starting (why does it stop the game for this?), kill 3 enemies with 2 basic attacks, run three steps, warning that combat is starting, repeat 5 times, reach the end of the path, enter a cutscene.

The cutscene involves some guy telling you for three full minutes about how much he likes a certain type of apple, then when he's done, the MC asks what this has to do with anything, and it becomes apparent that it has nothing to do with anything at all. The cutscene then ends.

This should have been the biggest red flag of my life, yet I still continued to play this for an entire hour.
I think I was pushed on by the hope the combat would become more than the clunky, overly-simple and overly-easy slog that it was, and I liked the menu system.

I feel like I could really get into a remake of this that makes the combat even slightly interesting, but considering this is a game that people always tout as one of the best games on the PSP, I couldn't be more disappointed.

Remember when games needed passwords because save files weren't a thing?
This is surprisingly smooth! things like star wars rebel assault give you tiny little targets to hit with only the PS1 D-pad, not fun, but this does it pretty well, I like it.
I just love spaceship game :)

What a plesant surprise! I downloaded this by accident because the wrong file had been uploaded, but I started playing through it anyway and, whilst at first it felt like a pretty lame action game, it actually is super fun. Lots of variety, lots of personality, I really enjoyed this game, don't know if I'd ever go back to it but I finished the whole thing over the course of 4 days, which is great considering I'm playing, like, 10 things right now.

This was actually really great! What a plesant surprise!

It's only 3-4 hours or so but this is easily one of the best paced games I've played on the PS, or maybe just in general, this has a great sense of narrative momentum. The puzzles are not too tough but not so easy that they're lame, and the combat works pretty well, the implamentation of the little crosshair to tell you when you're successfully aiming at an ememy is genius, it's a little change that does a lot.

The art style is also great, the character models are done in a style that makes it so they honestly still look great when playing it today, the visual telegraphy in the level design is really good, I just wish the art style extended to the environments.

Easily the worst part of this game is the controls, it seems like random things are on random buttons, nothing is intuative and it just feels really janky. This is examplified in the bosses, especially the first one, it sucks.

But this was good enough that I'm definitely gonna check out the sequel, very happy to have played this!

Much like Parasite Eve this is a great way of pushing more action into the survival horror formula, and it honestly might work better here than in PE, even if it's less interesting.

The game, overall, is a bit bland, but it's fun enough to play. I only played through Mitsuki's campaign, and I don't know if I'll play through the other one. I'm glad I've played what I have but I think I've got all I need out of this game.

So many great ideas, such a unique game, everything about this is great but it fails to come together in a staisfying way at any point.

Why do so many people keep telling me this is one of the best games on the system? This is just a really bog-standard tactics game, am I missing something? That mixed with bland art, boring characters and a sleep-inducing story.
What am I missing here that everyone loves?

Surprisingly cool! Don't think I'll play much more of it but it's a pleasant surprise, maybe I'll give crisis core a try.

Started on PS3, finished on PSP.

For some reason I wasn't expecting a God of War clone (especially on the psp)? But the more I explore the PS3 library the more of those I find, but this is decent, it's just on a total other level of clone-ship, even copying the menu and upgrade system directly from those games. In any case this is still fun. I was expecting a bit more from the story, maybe more reference and sticking to the source material, and less wierd stuff with Beatrice, which just felt uncomfortable.

Not much else to say really, I'm just glad this exists so Visceral could go on to make Dead Space 2, which I feel takes a lot of what they learned here in making enemy design create more combat fluidity.

I've heard this all over in lists of underrated PS1 horror, it makes sense some bangers would get buried considering how much great horror was on the PS1. This is a surprisingly solid horror exploration game, where you navigate various mazes and run away from monsters, on paper it sounds like nothing to write home about but in practice it's a really strong experience that doesn't outstay it's welcome. It's a great length and has a decent ammount of environment variety even if the gameplay is a bit samey.
Quite pleasantly surprised by this one.

Bloated. This game is already like 12 hours long you don't have to make the entire final chapter just hundreds of dull enemies to pad for time.
I was very excited to see a modern take on Fatal Frame but sadly this feels like less than an evolution from FF3, it's a step back, making exploration more janky and basic, making the combat smoother but more simple, it's a real shame, but I'm kinda disappointed.

I hope this does well, though, so a new one can be made with a higher budget.