18 reviews liked by Gamerman23

This game does a good job of building off of 7, however, it does feel like they made a slight step back. This game has a LOT more combat than 7 and it loses it's horror aspect due to that. Overall, it is a solid game, and the one major improvement over 7 is the redesign of Chris that they did for this game as well as obviously the graphics.



It's all been downhill from here.

The door animations in this game make me nauseous.

you can tell how much passion the voice actors put into this 😭 😭 😭

My only complaint is how small of a role Vergil had in this game, one of the best fixed camera angle games I've played.

Obviously fun for the first few months, but at what point are we just going to make all fighting games free and just spend the 60 dollars for all characters? Capcom obviously isn't the only offender of this, it's just disappointing that this has became the new norm.

This game has some great new ideas from the original such as the format of the 2 spider-man system. However, I don't see much improvement and infact some regression from the original and it's especially apparent with the amount of glitches/bugs I encountered over my playthrough. Obviously the expansions for this game haven't been released yet but if they aren't loaded with content, the amount of hours it takes to 100% will be disappointing.

If this game had slightly better graphics everyone would've believed it was released yesterday, that's how good it truly is.

Playing this games story for the first time was some of the most fun I've had in a racing game in a while. But somehow this game has even less replay ability than NFS Heat and the multiplayer is AWFUL.

Can't name a single thing this game does better than l4d2. Which would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that it's such a bore.