A DLC so bad that Kilburn, the lead developer of Antibirth and Repentance, basically rage-quit at the idea of fixing The Void and Delirium.

...I don't know man, it's just more Isaac Rebirth, some things done well and other things done poorly.

I don't think it should come as a shock to anyone that I've spent over 1,300 hours on this game. That is just the nature of a well-designed roguelite.

Rebirth is obviously superior when looking at the larger scope of things, but the artstyle of this game and Danny Baranowsky's soundtrack still haven't been topped to this day.

Shockingly bad. A "spiritual successor" that flies too close to the sun by shamelessly copying Banjo-Kazooie instead of just building on its strengths. The bloated level design is a particular case study for how the developers failed to learn from the mistakes of older 3D platformers.

This would be one of my favorite games ever, but the Mumbo sections are as boring as everyone claims them to be, there are too many Jiggies tied to minigames, and I always have the "SUPERBANJO" code enabled for faster movement.

When I really think about it, this might be a more well-structured game than Banjo-Tooie.
But I prefer the formula of Tooie, so I can't give this a higher score, okay?

Fun as hell, at least until you try playing the actual game instead of Zombie Escape or Minigame servers.

When I played through the earlier chapters, I thought to myself: "Yeah this game fucking rocks, they nailed the appeal of Half-Life 1."
When I played through Interloper, I thought to myself: "Please end already, god damn it."

Possibly the best multiplayer FPS which isn't a Source Engine game. That is saying a lot.
Though I do miss those precious few days where I could play assignment missions with more than 4 players.

Perhaps it's a little too easy, but this is still one of the best games Nintendo has ever released, overflowing with charm at any given moment.
...gee, didn't I say the same thing about Pikmin 3?

Aaaahhhh... a time in the video game industry when remakes were actually good instead of feeling like cheap nostalgia bait.

Perhaps it's a little too easy, but this is still one of the best games Nintendo has ever released, overflowing with charm at any given moment.

You will either really fucking love this game, or really fucking hate this game. (Un)fortunately I am of the latter camp, having thought so before a certain Youtube creator made that opinion more popular.
It just doesn't mesh well with the other mainline installments, and I hope Pikmin 4 doesn't repeat the same mistakes with its re-introduction of caves.

Annoying quirks, like the lack of sorting Pikmin types or the unreliable A.I. of the Pikmin themselves, hold this back from being one of the most replayable games of all time. What a shame.