This game fire until you get to a part with light bridge then its absolute dogshit

Miracle johnson carried
also sex with majima ong

"wot if u were a boy with no personality but hot babes and children fell in love with you because you were nice to them on the most basic level possible and also the children were your students but it's ok it's not weird we promise they actually like that you are Their Teacher it's ok :)"

Despite some sections being frustrating af this game is still incredibly fun

This game doesn't deserve the rating but speedrunning this shit was awesome

Honestly the more I think about it the more this game has issues
roaming around in the open world and challenging bosses is a fucking fun ass experience
Some of the most fun I've ever had in any game ever

This is a sequel to xenosaga 1all right because it has the same problems
Final boss goated though

Carried by story tbh
Still pretty awesome but some parts SUCK

Falls off sometimes but I still have fun

First 2 chapters are really boring but game peak after

Mid ass game but cast is awesome

Early game pacing is really bad but the ending is fire

Who tf is Kevin Graham
Ries peak tho