An amazing game that fits as a bridge between A Crack in Time and Rift Apart. The gameplay is fun just like past R&C games. Only complaint (which is common) is that its too short.

Another big miss from Insomniac that did not fix any of the problems present in All 4 One. The tower defense gameplay is boring, the story is cringe and the game is still not optimized (crashed once).

Ahhh, my childhood R&C game. I remember having a blast with this game, playing it with my brother. I had just finishes A Crack in Time and wondered how good the next R&C will be. It was horrible, everything that made R&C good was sucked out of this game.

Gameplay: The gameplay felt shallow, with around 2 new weapons only this time (the others being from the past games). You now upgrade guns with bolts rather than using the weapon which was not favorable. I was interested in trying out other characters than Ratchet to play with but I couldn't due to the restricting levelling system forcing you to play as one character throughout the whole game. Puzzles were non-existent. There was not even the interplanetary discovery system, like come on?! The joy of a R&C game is to explore new planets and you are telling us we can't even do that? Additionally, the whole game itself was awfully optimized. The random difficulty spikes were such a pain; the game would storm you with enemies and they would give you no ammo.

Story and plot: The whole game was a drag. The story was bland and always had some boring event that made it unnecessary longer. The new characters introduced are boring and forgettable. Moving to the main plot, it was dumb. Nefarious teaming up with his enemies is a dumb and breaks everything he stands for as an evil, goofy villain with his hatred towards Quark, Ratchet and Clank. The only good thing was Quark becoming president which was hilarious.

Co-op: The only saving grace of this game and the reason I am not giving it a 0.5 is the co-op feature. This game heavily relies on players having someone to play it with them. If you do get someone to play with you, then this game would be really fun. Unfortunately, for many, this was not an option, making us stick to the horrible NPC which would randomly commit suicide. This game could really be a blast with a partner with you.

All 4 One was a major disappointment, seeing it would be the sequel to A Crack in Time. Hopefully Full Frontal Assault will be better.

The best R&C game as of 2023. The main draw is definitely the story that was brilliantly set up during Tools of Destruction and executed perfectly in A Crack in Time. Azimuth is one of the first characters with actual depth and layers introduced in the series (excluding Ratchet and Clank themselves), which was surprising coming from the R&C series, known for its simple plot and characters. The game also deviates from its original, linear system to a more open world game which I enjoyed. Unfortunately though, the game did have to sacrifice its famous comedy for a more serious story. At the end, it did pay off with the tremendous amounts of development occurring to Ratchet and Clank and their dynamic/relationship.
Gameplay wise, the game is amazing. Tons of new weapons to try out., the puzzles were simple but in a good way and the game never got too hard which was a re-occurring problem I had playing the series. Planets were decently fun with tons of collectibles and secret areas but I do feel they could be better. On the other hand though, Clank's sections were way more fun compared to its predecessors.
Overall, this game was everything I expected it to be. It had to make some sacrifices but they were definitely worth it in the long run.

An utterly useless game. There were neither new weapons nor new gadgets. The checkpoints were awful, with some really annoying, unenjoyable segments. 95 percent of the game is a re-use of R&C TOD mechanics. The uninteresting pirate plot made me want to sleep. At the end, this really short game could have just been a small introduction in "A Crack in Time" without all the unnecessary pirate stuff.

The story, plot, and lore were by far the best, but the game definitely lost its comedic charm that the PS2 games had. Weapons were not that interesting, and there are like 5 enemy types in total (or that's what it felt like). A lot of those enemies were damage sponges too. The planets were alright. On the other hand, I loved the gameplay and the new style. An overall good Ratchet and Clank game, though with its story being the savior.

An overall fantastic game. The only downgrade were the gadgets in the game; they were neither fun nor unique. Moving on, the worlds felt alive, with a bunch to explore. The weapons catalog is endless, incentivizing players to level up each one by using it frequently, discovering its final, powerful form. Difficulty was moderate (unlike R&C2). Characters had good development and we saw the introduction of the main villain of the series, Dr. Nefarious, The story was a classic R&C story containing many funny comedic moments and plot twists, wrapping it all up with a funny ending. A big improvement from its predecessor.

R&C 2 gives us more weapons to experiment with, with the game including some of the original ones. The adventure players go through in R&C 2 definitely develops Ratchet and Clank's relationship significantly. I love the ending with Captain Quark and the numerous Jak and Daxter Easter eggs hidden throughout. The jokes and mood of R&C 2 have the same vibe as R&C 1, which I love and hope to keep seeing.
Enemies have the same tone and feel monotonous. The worlds are filled to the brim with enemies. The worlds themselves do not feel as alive as in the first game. On top of this, the soundtrack was not as good as I hoped it would be. The overall plot and story felt somewhat like filler. Each time you would complete a world, you would have to spend a lot of the bolts earned on story items, which stops players from being able to buy more weapons and test them out (40k bolts for an item once!). On to my biggest ick now, the difficulty spike. The game starts out nice and simple, being easy. Around 3 hours, the level design of the world felt as if it had no testing (creating very frustrating segments), with very hard courses of countless enemies swarming you with endless rounds of bullets (while also hoping they do not respawn infinitely). The game has improved with checkpoints since R&C 1, but still lacks in that department.
Overall, this was a pretty disappointing sequel with few merits. Most of the time, I was frustrated beyond belief. It felt like Jak II all over again...

A fun platformer to play. The variety of weapons makes the game super fun, and you are constantly exploring new worlds. On the other side, though, I found myself frustrated at some level designing and checkpoints. Overall, a very fun, comedic ps2 game that starts off the Ratchet and Clank series brilliantly.

Left Behind is a brilliant expansion of the original. For 2 hours, this really was an amazing game that showed the cruelness of the last of us's world, with heartbreaking scenes and a sort of bittersweet ending. Recommend it to anyone who has just finished the main game


Overall just really frustrating but love the atmosphere and style