I've never been fond of card games, but the positive reception and descriptions of Balatro as a Roguelike Poker game convinced me to give it a try. And I'm glad I did, kinda...
Balatro is one of those games that I never really crave to play but once I start the first hand I just can't stop.

Idk maybe my expectations were to high but it didn't click with me. As a horror game it works, the nights can be scary but I couldn't find anything in this game to keep me hooked up. I wasn't interested in the story, the gameplay bored me like few other games did and the world has a cool atmosphere but it's very repetitive even between different zones. I can appreciate how it makes the most of the top-down perspective and I understand why many love this game, but Darkwood is not for me.

I have very mixed feelings about Titan Souls.
On one hand I found the world pretty bland and the lack of an actual (explicit) story felt like a missed opportunity. Additionally, the gameplay loop of constantly dying in one hit and having to walk back to the boss can get tedious and annoying quickly.
On the other hand, the small team of developers had some great ideas for the boss fights which often felt rewarding to complete and the obscure lore has its charm (on this topic I recommend this video by SolarPellets https://youtu.be/BtiNAqAJgAY ).

But I must say that I'm glad they made this game especially after playing it's spiritual successor Death's Door which takes a few core elements from Titan Souls to make a much more complete experience (and one of my favourite games)

I felt pure hatred for my sister and her friends every time they used the bubble

Review of both the DLCs

The idea of playing Daud's side is great but I don't like what it ends up being. The whole Delilah thing was uninteresting to me (especially the first DLC).
I think I would have loved the 1st dlc to be his story up to the assassination of the Empress and the 2nd about his remorse for his last murder and the resulting character development in a more human way without the Delilah story (That's also what I initially thought the DLCs where going to be)

Dishonored's opening scene is very simple yet effective in captivating the player's interest in the game world. A boat ride on the river with a view of the steampunk city Dunwall and Dunwall Tower. The whale hanging on the trawler caught my eye and the overall aesthetic really drew me in despite the game's age. Unfortunately after a few missions Dunwall started feeling repetitive as some of the missions locations were perhaps too similar. (let's ignore the fact that there are two missions in a row in the same location)
The main story is definitely a strong feature of Dishonored, the characters and dialogues are well written (I'm still not a fan of silent protagonists tho).
My issues are with the gameplay. Many praise the Dishonored for allowing various different approaches to each level, but to me that brings too many balancing issues. Trying different ways to tackle a level often felt like I was tampering with myself so I ended up using the same two abilities and equipment. I found myself spamming the blink to avoid fighting with NPCs because why waste time with a pretty dated combat gameplay?
The chaos mechanic is a great addition, not enough to make me want to replay the game straight away, but I might do in the future.

This might seem like a negative review but I actually really enjoyed the game. Therefore I want to highlight what might be my favourite feature of Dishonored: The Heart. I absolutely adored it. I haven't played Dishonored 2 yet but I hope it's there too

My father and I used to raced with Fiat 500s in the Positano circuit all the time.
I don't think I've played with him since so this holds a special place in my heart

I never finished the story. I bought this in an attempt to get good enough to beat my friend... that didn't work
It still was a lot of fun in local multiplayer

I remember there was a level with the giraffe that took 7 years old me, my sister and my cousin multiple days to complete.
So many memories of us playing this and the Ratatouille game

It's a well made stealth game. I just got bored of it after a few hours

This is probably a banger with all the DLCs. I don't think I'll ever buy them but...🏴‍☠️

Just not for me. I'm sure many would like this

The physics is pretty bad, but I guess that might be me getting tired of arcade racing games. The AI is either too easy or too annoying depending on the setting. Almost as annoying as multiplayer, especially when it randomly starts lagging, freezing your screen for multiple seconds. Which is unfortunate because it can be fun with friends.
Platinum is a bit too grindy.
Visually it's good tho

Rating for the multiplayer.
Hated most maps and the gameplay decisions (Perk system, movement, spawn system, reload cancel...). Updates and overall support was awful.
I only played to finish the camo grind (which was pretty bad itself) because I didn't like the idea of leaving it unfinished.
I regret not trying the raids those could have been fun

I was playing the campaign and, while the story is extremely lame and uninteresting, a couple of missions where pretty cool. Unfortunately it randomly deleted all my progress when I was around halfway through (I believe) and I never felt like starting it again. Might do it in the future as well as trying the raids

Oh and RIP DMZ