Literally the first game I, and many others, played.

Just as good as DS, if only for GODLIKE co-op.

Co-op still good. Too easy.

WAY too easy. No co-op or even fun battle mode. Disappointment.

I LOVE the way this game looks and sounds. Unfortunately, it can get tedious compared to other classic platformers. Will definitely try and not suck at it and finish it one day

Pure nostalgia. Babies other than Mario are very fun, especially junior with the fireballs. Don't actually remember if I beat it or not, so will come back to it.

A minimalistic RPG that gets everything perfect. Trying to think of a challenging way to beat it as it has the replay potential.

If you can separate it from the previous instalments and the "innovation" that came after, challenging as that may be, there is hell of a lot to love in this game. It quite easily has any Mario game's most ambitious story and characters. There's TONS of content, for better or for worse. I fully understand the criticism but will never side with it.

Fuck this game. The first game to ever completely disappoint me. It's an awful RPG, the characters are obnoxious, not funny, and while it's visually alright, later games that continued its terrible gameplay themes look better. Not that I've played them because this game put me off a series I once loved. Perhaps origami king is alright so I might give it a shot one day.

Wacky as fuck. In the best possible way. Absolutely need to play BIS, as I've heard it's even better. Does have some tedious dungeons but I really appreciate the challenge and exceptional combat in other areas.

The one that started it all, and OMG, it sucks.

What a soundtrack. Very janky but sometimes works in its charming favour. Wish I still had my N64.

Still some of the most original courses in the series, fantastic unlockable characters and mission mode. The only issue is that it is rather overshadowed...

When you think of Mario Kart, you think of this.

Too forgiving, and the characters are ridiculous. But the visuals, soundtrack and core gameplay are incredibly tight.