22 reviews liked by GingeyOne

Oh man. What a disappointment.

Not so much a review, but a list of things to try and explain why I didn't like it.

This is probably my third or fourth go at it, but this time I was going to get to the end no matter what.

To get it out of the way: It looks and sounds nice, but I don't think even those aspects are realised as well as I expected.

I really did not get on with the gameplay at all. To an extent where I worry that it soured me on all the other parts of the game too.
I tried so many combinations of effects and everything ended up being the same "Hit for as much as you can, run away for five seconds". It's incredibly unsatisfying, with the most frustrating dash to ever be put in a video game.

I eventually settled on a combo that jumped through enemies, turned them to my side temporarily and did damage over time. This made every fight in the game a joke, so I swung from thinking the combat was bad to pointless.

The final boss just felt bad to play.

On the narrative side, I actually found the narrator gimmick super annoying in this (even though I enjoyed it in Bastion). I didn't really care about anyone in it. I know they were going for a "start in the action" type deal, but I just didn't see why I'd care about anyone or anything.

HowLongToBeat says 6 hours to play through; my total time (including probably an hour's worth of false starts) is 4.7 hours, so maybe I skipped half the game or something.

But that's just, like, my opinion man.

I bought it because one, it was on sale, and two, I found a mod where someone made an obstacle course using the physics and it looked like a legit parkour game. The physics are indeed very fun, especially the jumping, side flips, front flips, back flips, you name it!

My favorite Star Wars game is Lego Star Wars: the Complete Saga, I’m sure most can agree. This would have to be in my top three though, it's really that good, it (overused saying but for lack of something better..) makes you feel like this jedi with crazy amounts of power.

The lightsaber stuff is some that I’ve never seen before, not even in Fallen Order, this game was ambitious for its time, you can slice certain body parts and they’ll go flying off then it will count everything you did by the end of the level (like how many times you threw your lightsaber, body parts taken out, number of times force powers were used, etc.). The lightsaber throwing is better than Fallen Order, I probably did that more than anything. You can also use guns which switches your perspective to FPS, I like that, it adds some variety. Sometimes your lightsaber will leave your hands because a “sith” used the force on it while you threw it so it ends up on the floor and you have to pick it up. I still can’t over that the first level has you cut down a tree to make a bridge.

With Kotor, I had trouble with the audio, this one has it too but it’s a lot better, if the audio is mute upon startup then just go into your game settings and turn EAX either on or off (opposite of what it's at) and it should just turn back to normal. It did crash and sometimes it wouldn’t open but it wasn’t anything unmanageable, I didn’t install any mods ( at the time of making this ) but if you go into your Program Files x86 and open the exe file then it will bring up the install page, you click it, close it out and then right click the program on your desktop and hit open. Seems to always work for me.

Story is pretty simple but not the best, they make it seem like certain planets have more force than others like Hoth since Obi Wan’s ghost was there and Dagobah since Yoda was there which is an excuse to visit some of the more popular places and for that I’m grateful but I don’t think that’s a canon explanation. However, I started it and got super excited because I didn’t know it took place after Rotj, you see this is LUKE’s training academy and I love that idea, not to mention a character that looks like Darth Talon called Alora, I thought maybe it would be the episode 7 we never got from George but I stand corrected.

This has better gameplay than Kotor but Kotor has better story and world building. The story here actually reminds me of something out of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. And not only does this game have Luke in it but it also has Jason Marsden, I'd like to see his character in Jedi Outcast which I will probably buy and play next in my Star Wars lineup. Jaden (the main) tries to quip an awful lot but his voice sounds too serious about it, I get that it's a game so cringy dialogue is more or less a must but still. However, it can be funny, there's a certain enemy that screams when he's dying that sounds like the Tobey Maguire scream, I laugh every time.

One of the cool things is that there is a light and dark ending but it’s not affected by the powers you use, it’s by a certain decision towards the end so you can use force lightning all you want, in fact there’s this level where there are pools of water where you have to fight some sith, fall in the water and you can get shocked really bad but that doubles for them. The last level is kind of dumb because from what I can see and what I did was get that door open and then have to backtrack through most of the level to get back to the door, no shortcut or anything to the next area. Also one more complaint is that the green things are for refilling energy, I don’t think it ever explained that so just a heads up for those who want to get into it.

All in all, I was impressed with this game and it exceeded my expectations. That’s all for the main game, I might cover one of the bigger mods though like MBII.

Don't think I've ever completed it without cheats but I love the concept and the format

Final Fantasy cosplays Lord of the Rings. What The Third Age may lack in difficulty and tactical depth, it more than makes up for in its creativity, visuals, and engaging adherence to it's theme.

Play as budget Boromir, generic elf, and not-Gimli as you follow in the footsteps of your favourite Fellowship - jumping in to assist at a few crucial moments - all the way from Moria to Minas Tirith.

The tactical combat is on the easier side, even on the highest difficulty modes, and can be gamed in a couple of days but it is always interesting and levelling up your characters and developing their movesets gives a great sense of progress.

Excellent visual design (plucked directly from the films) and strong animations for its age make this a game thats still enjoyable today for fans of the series

The horrible combat makes this game increasingly difficult for no reason even on Easy Mode. Also a clearly rushed copy of the Lord of the Rings game.

Love the film but there are many other Star Wars games worth playing instead.

Fun co-op game with silly WHAT IF endings.

The fact that this video game has a tone that can pull off fart humor, include doofy slapstick, and highlight the hardships of a brutal genocide of an entire sentient race via cannibalism in the span of a couple minutes is beautiful ♥

Legend of Zelda ocarina of time of skating games. GameCube essentials #3

Before buying this game.
"A Witcher Spin-off? And a card game? I hate card games."
While playing.
"It's a lazy game. And nowadays you can't load the game and start again? What an anachronism!"
After clearing.
"Defend th' queen! For Lylia!"