DXwind fixes most problems.
Had 0 problems playing with DX10, skipping frames x3 (fixes game running too slow)

No resolution fix.
Better played in 4x3. Set in config 1440x10800 or 1280x960 for best performance. You can add "Fullscreen = 0" line in there also to play windowed.

There is HD texture pack on steam guides.

⭐⭐ Great visuals - levels are filled with fluff
⭐ Okay audio - no music for some reason
⭐⭐ Great gameplay - new weapons, enemies, mechanics
⭐⭐ Great aesthetics - new perspective on the story, some twists, environmental storytelling
No bonus points

To anyone who want to have a great time with this game - search for DevilutionX

⭐ Okay visuals - cool sprites\animations\ui but messy tilesets, and dimmed visuals, making your eyes hurt finding dropped jewelry. It makes positive impact on immersiveness, but can be frustrating
⭐⭐ Great audio - momorable sounds and music
⭐ Okay gameplay - 1 button combat exept for magic, door fiesta, some tiring mechanics like restocking on mana potions
⭐⭐ Great aesthetics - feeling of dread all around
⭐ Bonus points - innovation

⭐⭐ Great visuals - a lot of memorable moments and models
⭐⭐ Great audio - everything is perfect
⭐⭐ Great gameplay - every chapter is different
⭐⭐ Great aesthetics - fantastic lore, levels change tone and mood
⭐⭐ Bonus points - innovation in physics. Clever design, everything is thought out for your enjoyment. Guns autoreload, crates and enemies drop what you need, npc give you supplies, objects placed so you can play around using them.

⭐⭐ Great visuals - lots of small details on each level, iconic monsters
⭐⭐ Great audio - some audio files you can hear to this day, music is badass and in right moments
⭐⭐ Great gameplay - just about perfect combination of speed, lethality and forcing you to think a little
⭐⭐ Great aesthetics - plenty of immerse moments\environmental storytelling
⭐ Bonus point - innovation in fps

⭐⭐ Great visuals - levels are greatly detailed
⭐ Okay audio - no music for some reason
⭐ Okay gameplay - nothing really new
⭐ Okay aesthetics - same game, different story, still nice to experience
No bonus points

⭐⭐ Great visuals - hand drawn from a video, fully recreated train in a videogame
⭐⭐ Great audio - multiple languages, all native speakers, great music tracks
⭐ Okay gameplay - game itself a little basic point and click
⭐⭐ Great aesthetics - it immerse you greatly
⭐ Bonus points - one of a kind game, great rewind mechanic