Piova, a fictional Italian city where it always rain. I love the setting,there are a lot of references to italian's monuments and churches. Solid romance VN with a twist i never expected in a VN.

Vote: 8

Short visual novel, it should be an horror game but it's really flat, the characters too and they are not likable, i just read the entire of the visual novel and said "Ok" and moved on to the next VN.

Vote: 6
Time with Saya : 4 H 5 M

Very fun puzzles, one of the few games where i had to take pen and paper.
I LOVE how they use brute force instead of solving a puzzle when you can just break down the door/chest, it is so refreshing.
Some segments are harder then simil-RPG Maker games of this genre but that's so refreshing for me.

A must if you love the genre, the characters are really likeable and the story is not that predictable. Play it!

Vote: 8
Time spent traveling on a train at midnight: 7H 17M

What if Va-11-Hall-A was a coffee shop?
Chill & short game to enjoy with a cup of tea/coffee, the setting is good and the characters are good enough to keep you playing but nothing stands out.

Vote: 6
Time passed to serving coffee: 4 H 12 M

Everything is perfect, from the gorgeous art-style to the incredible story.
One of the cleanest gameplay i've ever seen in a metroidvania, it is a must play.

You can't miss this hidden gem, you MUST play it.
Graphically stunning, never seen anything like this before.
The controls on controller are very fluid, i love the gameplay and the atmosphere the game gives you with it's attractive landscapes accompanied with beautifull OSTs.
Regarding the story it's good, but i've played the EA so i have to wait the full version before voting this masterpiece 10/10.

Vote : 9 (Just because it's in EA, i am confindent in a 10 for the full version)
Time spent with a talking crown: 9H 36M, 100%

Everything you need to know is in the title.

Short visual novel with passable characters, only 2 of them were memorable. The 1st route is really really really boring but it gets interesting after that exploring the lore of the world.
Worth a try? Yeah why not, after all it's a short VN and you can drop it after 2-3 hours if it don't convince you but don't expect too much from it.

Vote: 6
Time dispersed on an island: 5H 41M


It has potential but it's way too short to properly have some kind of impact

This is what happens when you press "Upgrade" on Slay the Spire

Probably one of the best visual novel that makes the most of the visual novel genre.
Maybe too slow for someone but personally i loved the SoL moments

If Frelia has a million fans I am one of them.
If Frelia has ten fans I am one of them.
If Frelia has one fan then that is me.
If Frelia has no fans then I am no longer on this earth.
If the world is against Frelia I am against the world.
I love Frelia until my last breath.

I wouldn't be here without Umineko, Akiko Shikata and a random video in my home (Looking Back at the Ar Tonelico Trilogy - Tarks Gauntlet).
Thank you Will of Ar Ciel.

One of the prettiest thing i've ever seen but story-wise boring with a repetitive gameplay (the bouncing boomerang is cool tho). The exploration is limited, i know it's made with love but it was pretty disappointing.