139 reviews liked by GreenFlame

Enjoyed this quite a lot and the combat wasn't nearly as bad as many people made out, but the overuse of a certain bullet sponge enemy late in the game made for a really disappointing final chapter for me.

Hoping any future DLCs or installments build upon what's good (Karen Fukuhara) and fine tune some of the bad (stop spamming the same 3 jumpscares and reusing 1 enemy type that takes way too long to kill)

Thanks for reading, wishing y'all well. I haven't reviewed the last few completions for a few reasons, most painfully Octopath 2 I was hoping to platinum before reviewing but the super-mega-fuck-you secret boss is kicking my ass and I'm struggling to feel any desire to try it. Loved most of the game though.

May throw a few short words out for my main men Toad and Alan, we'll see. Advance Wars I'll review the double pack when I play 2. Hope to see you all there 🙏

Dont know why this game got such harsh reception. It met my expectations and I honestly loved the combat. By no means is it a masterpiece but like, its super polished, fights are exciting, pacing is good and it makes good use of the Dualsense.

On the flip side, the characters are dull, and the ending throws way too much at the player and answers no questions. So yeah, it ends on a sour note. To make matters worse, I dont really see how the story could realistically continue unless the gameplay is totally different. There's surely room for a brief DLC, but not a sequel.

The question is will a short 8 hour linear game with fun gameplay satisfy you for 70 dollars? Probably not. There's not much replay value. But in a year when this game is 20$? Its a good horror pickup. Side note, horror games lost their ability to frighten for me, as much as I like being scared, so I cant say how scary it is.

I think its a solid 4 stars for just being fun and satisfying sci fi romp with no bullshit padding. Not like the first Dead Space had a good story, either. If violently beating melty face zombies with a bat until their arms pop off sounds fun, strap in.

I loved immersing myself in this game and its world to the point of going through it with 4 or 5 characters. It had a really cool setting, post apocalyptic DC, and some really creative towns in Megaton, Rivet City and a few more minor locations. I adored all of this. I enjoyed exploring, getting loot and fighting all sorts of foes. VATS was really handy, helped me a lot to do cool stuff. Also important, this game had a ton of DLC and most of it hit hard. This is an all time classic to me. <3

First game ever to sell zero copies

I apologize to Balan Wonderworld.


This bargain bin Gilson B Pontes ass multiplayer game is a visual and technical mess, has super boring and repetitive gameplay, it feels incredibly painful and grindy, and is monetized to a downright evil degree.

Babylon's Fall is symbolic of everything wrong with modern-day video games and I am incredibly disappointed that a developer as talented as platinum games could ship such a genuinely worthless and irredeemable product like this one.

While the story is good it's told in a odd way. The cut scenes are well shot and written and give that emotional punch but some of the big moments I think could have been delivered better. Everything involving Zero for example is heard through audio logs. The third chapter was also cut which had great content I wish I could have played all we have is the unfinished cut scene. But again it's good story about revenge and how it turns people into monsters you see that with characters like Kaz. You also get more time seeing the Coward Huey and how his arch would track by the time MGS2 comes around. The gameplay is amazing truly the peak of the MGS series. though the game only has one interesting boss battle and the skulls aren't interesting to fight after awhile. I also wish the game eased on replaying levels with harder difficulty. Even with my issues I spent 200 hours in this game and I loved every minute of it.

My first experience with this game was watching my friend play through 90% of it struggling the whole time through, and then dropping it close to the end of the game.

So now maybe 2ish years later I've come back on my own to wrap this game up! And! I couldn't tell if my friend was just bad at this game, or if only using the plasma cutter makes the game that much easier because I only died to an enemy once (and it was the first time you you encounter those hoards of little dudes that jump on you and drain your health so quick there's nothing you can do).

Really tho I just love hanging out in derelict space stations so no matter what I was going to like this game. The atmosphere was on point and the controls are floaty enough that you can still fight without too much hassle but you always feel a liiittle out of control, which adds back to the mood.

It was a good time, I might revisit it later, at least after i finish the rest of the Dead Space games, to see what extra parts of the lore I can pick up on with a second playthrough.

From someone who hated horror games until fairly recently, I could never have imagined the enjoyment I would get out of this game. The atmosphere, sound design, minimalistic UI, and gunplay are all perfectly blended together to create a disgustingly good horror experience. The twist and turns of the story and introduction of new enemy types are really well done and I had certain points in my playthrough where I really squirmed as I worked through the last of my ammo hoping that it would kill the last of the enemies.

A western masterpiece, we know how rare those are nowadays.

This is a great step in the right direction for progressing the franchise forward, but as this game stands currently, A LOT is left to be desired. You can very easily see how this games features could be implemented in a full mainline entry of Pokemon, and that's very exciting to think about.

Hands down the best DLC to a game period. Adds and revamps so much stuff to turn an already fantastic game into something god-like, even down to the story stuff. Kudos to the repentance team for turning an impressive fan project into an official one.