This is how you do a sequel. It keeps all the charm, visuals, and base gameplay from the first game while also improving on each category in many different ways. It allows the travelers to interact with each other more than ever before which was a big complaint for me for the first game. The gameplay has been enhanced as well with new additions added to the battle system that makes the fights that much more entertaining. The characters are all lovable and each has their own compelling story to go through. The final segment of the game is what takes thecake though. Throughout each of their own individual adventures, you slowly start to piece a connection together between them all, and by doing all of the side stories, you unlock the final chapter of the game. This is by far the most thrilling part of the game, and allows for the story to reach the heights that I was looking for the entire time. Seeing it all come together was so gratifying and made everything feel that much more impactful. This is another section in which I believe they improve upon the first game. Overall, while it's not perfect in my eyes, as I wish there were more side stories or cutscenes that could've eluded to the overarching theme throughout the game, it is very close and I enjoyed every second of the adventure.

Genuinely some of the most fun I’ve had with a platformer. The game sports various levels which all have their own creative touch or spin to it, and has some of the best visuals on the Wii. The game is challenging but fair and gave me a run for my money on a couple levels. I know a lot of people prefer the 3ds version of the game due to the lack of motion controls, but I didn’t really mind them. As a matter of fact, I actually enjoyed the motion controls quite a bit. They weren’t too intrusive and it made me FEEL like Donkey Kong if that makes sense. A great game and one of, if not the best, platformers you can play on the Wii.

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Let me start by saying that if you love mechs and the genre as a whole, you’re gonna find a lot of fun with this game. I was never really into the mech genre before this, so this was my introduction into not only the series, but the genre as a whole. My game programming professor showed a trailer of it and it intrigued me enough to get it. To start off, the visuals of this game are fantastic, I love how expansive the set pieces felt and how climatic each boss felt based on scale. Another positive I found was the sheer amount of customization that’s in this game. So many different play styles for different kinds of play which helps to add into the replay value significantly. Speaking for replay values, there are split endings in this game, which (hot take) I’m typically not the biggest fan of, however if you were really into this game when you played it I could see you being ecstatic to find out what happens in the different ending. Combat was solid and the game felt far; I never felt cheated when I died, and I never felt like there were any bugs or mishaps that kept me from a win. There is a nice challenge with this game and is sure to cause frustration which is not a surprise from Fromsoft, however for the ending I chose (Rubiconian) I ended up feeling like the final boss was a little bit anticlimactic. I beat it on the first try, but with the bosses before this I felt like they gave me a way harder challenge. That would be one of my major gripes with the game, as well as not feeling majorly engrossed by the story as a whole. The story was serviceable but I more so cared to get back into the combat. Other than that the combat was amazing, the customization was great, and the visuals blew me away at points. I found that for this type of game that’s all I really need. This was a good introduction into mechs for me and I’m now more willing to explore the genre as a whole.

Simply beautiful from start to finish. I loved the first game and while it took me a while to finish this one, I am so grateful to have experienced this story. This game is breathtaking to look at, and the cutscenes made me feel the same magic an early Disney movie would give me. The gameplay feels top-notch and only added to the experience that the first game gave me. There was a good amount of challenge that came from the game which left me on my toes while also being fair. I was fully immersed during the final stretch and while I am mixed on my feelings on the ending, I believe that that was intended. It was a bittersweet yet beautiful ending that left me in awe. An amazing game that I would recommend to anyone who loves metroidvanias.

This is a game that I’ve played and restarted three different times. For some reason I would always put it down after playing and then wouldn’t come back to it for months. I hate coming back into games I haven’t played in months and trying to understand the story. For me it gives the story less impact and emotional weight as I don’t feel as attached. Now with that all being said, I enjoyed this game way more than I expected. Playing through this game felt like watching a Saturday morning cartoon. It gave me a childlike wonder I haven’t experienced in a while. The story while majorly lighter, dealt with some heavy themes that kept me intrigued. All the characters apart of the main cast are so lovable and I appreciated all the extra interactions that would be given throughout the game. In my first couple play throughs, I found the combat to be serviceable but not very enjoyable. It more so felt like a means to an end at the start. However, as you get deeper within the game, new mechanics pop in and I found myself enjoying every battle. Another thing I appreciated about this game was that I never felt the need to grind. While the game does offer a challenge, it presents the player with an obstacle that can be overcome, without feeling overwhelming. I love being able to go through a game with skill/strategy without having to resort to being over leveled. Overall, I left this game very satisfied and I’m happy to say that it is out of my backlog.

The most fun I’ve had playing a multiplayer game in years. I typically find myself enjoying more single player adventures and narratives that allow me to immerse myself within the world they’re trying to portray. However, this game makes me feel so much more invested than I ever expected. It makes you feel so patriotic for the Super Earth campaign, and you can see that from the player base. The amount of hilarity that ensues when playing this game is an absolute pleasure and the gameplay makes it so addicting. It can get really difficult and that only adds to the overall experience. This is the way a live service game should be done and I will continue to help in Super Earth’s fight!

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I’m conflicted with this game. While I did end up enjoying my time with it, I had a lot of things throughout the game that just didn’t really meet expectations. To start off with the good, the visuals for the game are very solid. I love the way the enemies look and move, and it is a very nice game to look at on PS5. Another thing that I liked was the combat. Once everything starts to click, and you gain more abilities, the combat becomes more and more fun as you find different ways to deal with enemies. Finally, I ended up enjoying the cast of the game. A lot of them do fall into the typical tropes of anime characters, but I find most of them to be endearing. To move on to the stuff that I didn’t like as much, I’ll start with the story. I believe that the story had a lot of potential that just wasn’t fully fleshed out. Plot points revolving around the New Himuka and Seiran conflicts felt rushed, and when the crew all comes back together it really doesn’t feel all that satisfying. I also felt as though the story was very convoluted at points, with major info dumps that break the pace and left me confused in all honesty. None of the deaths or any moments that were supposed to make me feel emotional, really hit as hard as they should’ve, and I think that all comes down to the pacing. This game felt directionless at points and I just wish it could’ve fleshed itself out a little better. Another part of the game that I felt was left hanging was the potential horror aspects. The concept of others could’ve created really interesting and scary narratives and scenes, yet I felt like they gave us the most barebones version of it. Finally, I wish there were more cutscenes instead of the storybook way that they portray the narrative. This game reminds of an anime with 12 episodes that never got a second season. It was a good time, but nothing that’ll really stick with me.

An incredible narrative from start to finish. Playing through this for the first time makes me realize why it made the impact that it did when it first came out. The gameplay is tightly controlled and feels satisfying to pull off. The deaths never feel incredibly punishing and allows the player to hop back in quickly to start over again. This game makes you feel for Madeline and leaves you wanting to know more about her journey. The only reason it isn’t a 5-star for me is because the genre itself isn’t necessarily one of my favorites but I enjoyed it all the same. Great story with a ton of replay value for those who enjoy these games. Very solid.

This game holds a special place in my heart because it was the first game that I ever bought with my own money. However, I would always try to start it up around Halloween time and just never manage to beat it, which caused an endless loop (still think that it’s stupid they released ON HALLOWEEN DAY). These past couple of days I finally decided to buckle down and beat the game and I’m glad I did. Great level design from start to finish with each hotel floor bringing its own level of uniqueness to the table. While there may be some duds in there, they still managed to crack a smile out of me with its physical humor. Furthermore, this is some of the best the Mario cast has ever looked, with each of them feeling so expressive. The bosses all around were pretty solid, albeit a lot of them could be stacked up to “wait until this thing happens so you can do this.” Even with those minor complaints I enjoyed exploring each floor, and the new mechanics were all nice and welcomed ones. I think Gooigi added nice variety to the gameplay and the final sequence left me satisfied. I know some people don’t like the “brightness” of the game but I think they did a good job of having a decent balance. Overall, I enjoyed my time with this game quite a bit and I’m glad to have it out of my backlog!

Had this game in my backlog for a long long time. This was during an era where I was kind of just buying anything and everything that even appealed to me slightly because I never got the chance to do that when I was younger. Finally getting around to it though, it was a very solid title. A fun platformer with a decent amount of challenge to keep you on your toes, while also having a really great soundtrack. A soundtrack so good in fact, that they had rhythm based levels in each world. The visuals are also very nice and provide a uniqueness that I crave in more games today (outside of indies duh). Animations look great, had funny elements throughout, and the bosses were also solid. I didn’t fall in love with the game, but it is a very solid time with a ton of content to keep you engaged for however long you want to play. I enjoyed my time with it and would recommend to anyone who hasn’t yet played.