22 reviews liked by Gregoryzinh0

Minha Review de persona 4:

~ introdução

Persona 4 com certeza virou um dos melhores jogos que eu já joguei na minha vida!

Eu sempre tinha interesse por RPG/JRPG mas sempre quando eu tentava jogar não conseguia ir para frente mas com persona foi diferente.

~ Combate

O combate desse jogo é simples e complexo ao mesmo tempo, o combate é bem intuitivo para os jogadores iniciantes e complexo para jogadores com mais experiência.

~ dificuldade

A dificuldade desse jogo é bem injusta as vezes, pra mim esse é o único pronto fraco desse jogo mas com o tempo a dificuldade vai ser ajustando.

~ história

A história desse jogo para mim é uma das melhores histórias já feita em um video game, simplesmente ela é perfeita mas não vou falar muito sobre por conta de spoiler.

~ personagem

Pra mim disparado é a melhor coisa do jogo, eles são tão vivos, eu me conectei muito com os personagens mais uma coisa que ficou perfeita aqui é o social link, o social link é a sua parte social dentro do jogo, então você tem que chamar os personagens para sair e aumentar seus status, o social link ajuda muito na evolução dos personagens desse jogo e deixar eles mais humanos.

~ ost

Cara, esse jogo só tem pedrada atrás de outra, um dos maiores pontos fortes de persona é com certeza a música!

~ gráficos

Os gráficos dele não é feio mas poderia ser um pouco melhor mas o estilo de arte desse jogo é perfeito demais!

~ considerações finais

Esse jogo é muito bom, uma das melhores experiências que eu tive com video games no geral, esse jogo tem uma vibe tão única, definitivamente eu vou sentir saudades dele.

É simplesmente incrível a curva de aprendizado desse jogo e como ele te recompensa por explorar, o meu ponto favorito dele não é a dificuldade dele, e sim o que você faz para superar ela, por exemplo, tem um chefe que é muito difícil com a minha espada atual, eu vou lá na primeira localização do jogo, e descubro um atalho que me leva a um lugar que me dá uma espada totalmente desproporcional pra parte do jogo que eu estou, eu aprimoro meus atributos para conseguir usar ela com uma mão e descubro truques para ganhar do chefe, como memorizar os movimentos dele para acertar a esquiva, o resultado é que eu acabo com o chefe sem a menor dificuldade na próxima tentativa, e isso te recompensa muito por explorar os ambientes e prestar atenção no que o seu inimigo faz durante a luta, além de que esse jogo com certeza tem paisagens impressionantes para época como Anor Londo que é muito bonita, joguem

Open youtube and type "Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories full movie" on the search bar

Give us back the badass Artorias box art asshole

Meu carinho pela franquia Kingdom Hearts é muito grande. E o segundo jogo, aproveitado de forma definitiva em sua versão Final Mix, é especial demais pra mim. Uma das coisas mais importantes que esse jogo ressalta é o conceito de amizade. Kingdom Hearts é uma obra sobre o amor entre amigos e a profundidade desse sentimento, tudo no jogo gira em torno desse aspecto e por isso e também por ser um excelente jogo, ele é um dos que mais tenho boas memórias.
Meu jogo favorito da infância, lembrarei pra sempre dessa maravilhosa aventura.

Welcome to the 32-Bit era for the blue Bomber! And while this game isn't talked about often among the fanbase, I think this game is a gem in the franchise. 8 is a refinement of everything Classic Mega Man was to this point, while trying to build ideas to try to move the jump n' shoot design forward, while also being a fun adventure with Rock.

Mega Man 8 really doesn't try to reinvent the wheel. 8 robot masters, 4 Wily's Castle stages, boss rush, bust Wily, save the day. So what makes Mega Man 8 so special compared to the other 12 times this formulas been done?

The answer is this feels like the most actualized vision for Mega Man's world yet, from characters, visuals, music, uh 'story' if you want to consider that. There's a passion behind Mega Man 8 wasn't quite felt in 7 or many of the later NES releases. Like this game looks as gorgeous as it does and it came it a little over a year after Mega Man 7, and it ended up looking this gorgeous.

This game's sprite work is some of the best on the console, and honestly aesthicly, this game is peak Mega Man. The enemies are vibrant, colorful and expressive, with some of my favorite enemy design in the franchise. The robot masters are unique and expressive, they animate very well while being packed with personality, aided by (very cheesy) voice acting. Seeing more of Mega Man's retro-futuristic world is just...really neat in a way I can’t express properly. The world of Mega Man really pops in this game.

I haven't even mentioned the music, composed by Shusaku Uchiyama. He composes of some of the most memorable music in the fn the Classic franchise in this game, and it helps sell the colorful, airy vibe this game has.

What about that gameplay? As I said earlier it’s a Mega Man game, you jump, shoot and slide and it feels good. Everything’s scaled better this game and platforming feels less clunky than 7 out the gate, which is great. Level design is on point, mostly what you expect from a Mega Man game. There’s a complaint to be made for some of stage gimmicks dragging for too long, such as the infamous Jet boarding sections or the SHUMP sections, but honestly most stages flow extremely well to the point where even the sub-bosses were fun for me. I even enjoyed the idea of adding a labyrinth, even if it is a bit clumsily handled.

Also, the game tries to add fresh ideas to both Mega Man and remixing a few old ones. For starters, in the intro stage Dr. Light gives Mega Man the special weapon the Mega Ball, which allows Mega Man to spawn and kick a ball that ricochets off of walls and objects, which is neat, but as a hidden gimmick Mega Man can jump off the ball to give him a pseudo-infinite jump so long as he has the weapon energy. And I love that kind of shit in games, it promotes skill expression and adds a bit of depth to the game. 8 in general seems to flirt with the Special Weapons more for level design. On top of all being pretty well designed and useful for the challenges MM8 asks of you, quite a few interact with Mega Man, the enemies and level design itself that really promote exploration and experimentation with the weapons. To reward this, The Bolts, which were random item drops in the GB games and 7, are now hidden collectibles, and now the shop gives Mega Man more permanent upgrades. It’s not anything groundbreaking in terms of a game play loop, but it was a nice, simple fresh take in the Classic formula besides just finding the Rush/Beat parts and beating the robot masters, while not just being the armor system from MMX.

Finally, I should mention the fact that this was the first game designed with It's the first game designed with Animated cutscenes and a story that is in the backdrop of the game and it adds absolutely nothing and is very pointless and predictable, and doesn’t really go anywhere. It's a basic plot where there's a dark energy that Dr Wily uses to power up his robot masters and also introduces Duo, A mysterious alien robot who strongly believes in justice. It it really doesn't do anything novel storytelling wise but it's still a big part of the charm of Mega Man 8, even with its comical voice acting.

I had no intention of talking about Mega Man 8 this long. And I still have a lot more I want to say, but I think it’s best to conclude with this game super cool to me, and I don't get to say that a lot about the classic series. I think it does a lot of things that are really interesting for classic Mega Man and it's a shame that classic series didn't get more love and attention like this, as I feel it was on the cusp of doing more for the classic formula. I very much recommend Mega Man 8 to Mega Man fans and platformer fans alike.

And with this game, we can see how Kojima: The man never shuts up born...

Joking aside, this game is a beast in itself. Unlike the previous game snatcher, in this one Kojima put world details to the MAX. What I mean is in this one, we have lore conversations in almost every goddamn single clickable pixel a game console can support and I am not kidding about that.

Also this is gonna be the deciding factor in your enjoyment for playing this game. Let me ask you this: Do you like mgs's radio conversations? If yes, then you are gonna have a hell of a good time.

But if you don't, then I would say try Snatcher, because it's pacing is lightning fast unlike this one.

So if we return back to the game, was it good? For me yeah. But unlike Snatcher, I like it for the opposite reasons.

What I mean is, this game is slow, conversation heavy and less on action. This sometimes makes the game slower than a turtle unfortunately, but also unlike snatcher, this slow pacing is the reason that made me connect to the characters more.

It's still a quite predictable story like snatcher (until it isn't), but hearing characters argue between themselves and open themselves more was extremely fun to watch for me. I even go as far as clicking every single thing in the environment just to hear more of them and I somehow find myself invested in this cliche buddy cop characters and when the epilogue came, I realized I was actually get a bit emotional for them. I would say it was enjoyable as much as metal gear 2, the characters that much enjoyable for me.

But will this be that much enjoyable for any of you too? I don't know about that, because this game just like snatcher, have a lot of pervy conversations and it's extremely nonsensical romance could make a lot of eyebrows rise. But for me, sometimes it's best to not think about it too much just like back to the future 2's plot. But if this sounds not good to you maybe it's best to be stay away from it.

For me I liked it, only thing was a bit of a letdown was it's soundtrack and atmosphere wasn't as energetic as the snatcher one. But other than that, both of them almost match with their positives and negatives. Both of them fun, a bit cliche...

But full of heart.

Junto com Dark Souls 3, Sekiro mostra o nível de qualidade dos jogos feitos pela FromSoftware. É um jogo muito bom, com momentos muito marcantes, lutas muito épicas e elementos da cultura japonesa que, pra quem gosta do assunto, tornam o jogo muito bonito e rico.
A jogabilidade é maravilhosa, os gráficos (mesmo que um pouco ultrapassados em 2024) são maravilhosos e a história são demais.Tudo isso com aquela dificuldade que todo Souls Like têm.
Um Must Play que você não vai se arrepender.

After completing the game, I called my friend and discussed it with him. After saying 'see you,' I headed to the kitchen for dinner, I went to the bathroom, tidied up my room, and so on.
I was crying throughout all these activities.

This game really destroyed me. I fucking love it.

Worth a play but its dated. Its hard to play in the modern age. Camera angles mess you up constantly. Gameplay is fine and lays the groundwork for ALMOST all the games after it to be good to great to fantastic.