I wouldn't say it's quite as good as other games in this style (e.g. stick fight, chicken horse, etc.) but it does race my heart faster than all of those games combined so that's a plus.

So much fun. Mario maker 3 needs to have a gamemode like this.


Pure adrenaline rush. Varied level mechanics and lots of added content to keep the fanbase thriving. The levels are mostly fantastic though it can sometimes feel unfair as movement is floaty and object interaction is wack.

The final level is the most evil thing to come out of a videogame ever. Why did it have to be this hard. Stupid difficulty spike.


This can be enjoyed by anyone. Neither the single player or the multiplayer outshines on another and each offer a substantial amount of content. Wheatley is annoying though.


I actually prefer this one to the sequel. Yes it's shorter and it's lacking online, but it makes up for that in it's concise and well thought out campaign. Portal 2 felt drawn out at times and I've always preferred short and sweet. The humour is also slightly better than the second game.

You'll struggle to find a better puzzle game than the 2 portals.


I think that this game is overrated. I will admit that the core concept is extremely fun however the game is just way to short for it's price. Luckily I played for free through family sharing. There are also quite a few frustratingly hard difficulty spikes as they need to go from easy to hard in like 1 hour.

Surprisingly I actually enjoyed the sequel a lot more despite begrudgingly trying it out.


It's LEGO® Star Wars™ - The Complete Saga.


This game is fun. It's not as fun as Borderlands 2 because it's not split screen. Split screen is fun.

The concept is so good and really well executed. I've played quite a bit on the switch but I've heard that the servers/playerbase on PC is really weak. Very disappointing cause this game had huge potential. If you have friends to play with then I don't think this'll be a problem.


I originally didn't like this game. I went into it expecting Hollow Knight, and you can guess what happened.

After revisiting this game, my opinions had almost completely changed. The combat still sucks, but it's not the games main focus and it takes a backseat for the majority of the time. I also undersold the games movement which was unfair. Bash is one of the coolest mechanics in a platformer and the level design in this game is top notch.

I also played through the additional content this time around. Once again, the puzzles and upgrades are all spectacular. The second area in the 'DLC' is jaw-droppingly stunning. It even rivals some of the sequels areas in terms of beauty. Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of the added content. It's great as a post game thing however you can access this early on. The new abilities completely break the rest of the game and you can cheese all of the challenges that took the developers years to make. The story also didn't add anything. It basically just flips the message of the story on the spirits rather than Naru.

Comparing this game to Hollow knight is like comparing GTA and Cyberpunk 2077. Sure they are both the same genre, however they are completely different games. Hollow knight may have more content, but Ori is more fast paced, better structured, and more consistent. The two games are going for two completely different things and I love them both.


Supraland is a brilliant game that slipped past pretty much everyone. Truly the definition of underrated. It's one of the best puzzle games I've played in a long while and it pretty much nails everything it goes for.

- I wasn't expecting this to be such a long game. It took me 11 hours just to beat it at around 50% completion.
- The abilities you unlock are incredibly unique and each of them supplies you with a plethora of potential puzzles to solve.
- While I've already mentioned puzzles twice, I can't express enough how awesome, creative and challenging these puzzles are. It's the main bulk of the game and I would put it up there with portal for the best puzzle games out there.
- The world is great. Being tiny allows for such creative level and world design.
- Secrets are everywhere. You'll think you are breaking the game and yet there is always a chest sitting there. It's actually insane how many secrets there are. Exploration has never been better in a metroidvania.
- The soundtrack as a whole was pretty descent but some tracks just blew me away.
- Writing is hit or miss, however it did make me laugh a couple of times.

- This game has awful optimisation. I really appreciate that the devs are still fixing it to this day however it still isn't excusable. My pc isn't powerful but I shouldn't have to set my resolution scaling to 50 just to run close to 30fps.
- The combat isn't great. Luckily there isn't that much of it. Enemies respawn often which is quite annoying.
- I wish that the movement was a little better. Precision platforming is quite finicky.
- It's sometimes a bit unclear on where to go or how to solve a puzzle. For people who don't like metroidvanias, this may not be for you.
- There are a few rough edges. Nothing game breaking but it could be more polished. Really high up areas have wack hitboxes.

The community are also really nice. I had to look up a couple of puzzle's solutions and the comments tried really hard to not completely spoil the puzzle. They just push you in the right direction. Overall, this game is a must buy. I don't know much about the DLC but I'd start off just buying the base game. I got it on offer however it is worth full price.


The story, atmosphere and artstyle are all amazing in this game, however I have a lot of personal problems that really bring down the experience. I don't rank this game nearly as high as everyone else however that doesn't mean that it isn't worth playing.

The sheer amount of content is staggering, however I hate the excessive padding. The main quest in Novigrad is a pretty good example. To track a character down, you have to track down like 50 other characters and the missions are really boring for the most part.

People bash on the combat but I'd say it's not that bad. It's very simple but the animations and sound effects all help make you feel badass. The main problem I have with the combat is an ability called quen. I genuinely don't understand this ability cause it pretty much prevents you from dying 100% of the time.

Talking of combat, there is a very limited amount of ways to play. Ranged combat is ineffective/non-existent which was disappointing. Stealth could have been fun also. There is only one weapon type as well. I would have liked it if there were heavy weapons or staffs or something. Special attacks don't really exist either which would have fit a game like this perfectly.

I hate Witcher senses. It's cool for like the first 2 times you use it but it is so overused. Not one quest goes by where you don't need to use this crap. "follow this trail" , "examine this crime scene". If it was fun, that would be okay but it's literally the most braindead activity to help make the game feel longer than it actually is.

The controls are also trash. Even N64 games play better than this. Why do I have to fight the game to get Geralt and Roach where I want them. Also what is up with that fall damage.

Save states are the worst.

I actually prefer the Blood and Wine DLC to the base game. It is visually stunning with some great sidequests and an entirely new skill tree. Hearts of Stone was great as well and the DLCs are a must buy.

Breath of the Wild is my favourite game of all time because it nails the open world genre. Every direction feels like the right way and every location is pretty distinguishable (aside from shrines). I never experienced the open World in The Witcher. I went off the main path twice and got abused by high level enemies both times. The world and controls are so boring that Roach will actually just move for you. I never once took my eye off the mini-map to experience the beauty of the world.

A second playthrough felt like an inevitability for me however I never got round to it. While I do want to experience other story threads, I don't want to replay a good chunk of boring gameplay that you ignore on a first playthrough. I am in the minority with these complains but I wouldn't go into this expecting everything to be perfect.

The game is often so cheap so there is no reason not to try it!


The only thing this game is missing is decent combat. Enemies and bosses will go a long way in a game like this. As of now, the game will get quite repetitive quite quickly. Having said that the game is still pretty fun and the developers are quite possibly the most dedicated team out there


Why the hell are people complaining about the final boss. It's clearly the lesser of 2 evils. The real tragedy is the fact that they thought that changing the menu music was a good idea.

- The moment to moment gameplay is just as addictive as Doom has ever been.
- There are a bunch of new enemies to keep you on your toes. I'm not the biggest fan of most of the new enemies however I think that they are better than the ones added in part 1.
- The floating thing that you can hook to is something that should have been here since the beginning. It really helps the platforming and movement.
- I personally really like the hammer. It's way better than the crucible.
- The environments might be some of the best the series has seen so far. The last level especially is so cool and detailed.
- New items and backgrounds for customising the menu
- IDs attempt at replicating Endgame was blatantly obvious, yet still pretty decent.

- The final boss is 5 phases too long.
- Both DLCs are way too expensive. It should have been £16 for both.

Overall, I'm not sure if I prefer this or the first DLC. I loved both and while I understand some of the hate, the pros most certainly outweigh the cons.