This isn't the best platformer I've played, but it easily has the best platforming in any game. The game is just filled with creativity all the way through until the end. Other precision platformers like Super Meat Boy just feel uninspired in comparison. This game is just pure precision-platforming so if you don't like 2D sidescrollers then maybe hold off buying it.

The movement in this game looks quite bare bones on the outside, however it's how Madeline interacts with the objects around her that gives this game it's amazing platforming. Every level has several gimmicks that are introduced individually before being put together for a final challenge. The level design is near perfect for this reason.

As I mentioned earlier, this is a puzzle/precision platformer. The puzzle aspect of this is actually very predominant in this game. The challenge doesn't always lie in 'can' you clear this jump, but more 'how' you clear this jump. I've been stumped many times by these incredible creative puzzles they've created.

Content wise this game is pretty fantastic also. You can beat the main game in 5 hours if you want, however the platforming is so much fun that you just crave for more. Optional strawberries are hidden in every level and they don't feel tacked on like many collectables. They all feel like they were carefully placed in each level. Next you have the B-side levels. These expand on the levels gimmicks in new and exiting ways. They are also brutally difficult so they aren't for the faint of hearted. C-sides also exist which are much harder but much shorter. It's sort of like a final test in your skills.

Talking of post game content, B and C sides aren't the only way to get more platforming. There are post game levels as well. They are also incredibly creative in their level design and gimmicks, however I think the final level takes the challenge a bit too far. I got a total of 1500 deaths just on this chapter alone and the final segment of the level is 2 minutes long without any checkpoints. There is also a hidden berry right at the end of this chapter that you'll only know about through Youtube videos so I had to restart that entire section.

Another personal gripe I have is how Madeline dies when half her body is under the screen. Many platformers wait until the entire character is below the screen before killing them so it took a bit of getting used to in this game. I'd like to additionally address Golden strawberries as they exist for masochistics who want to beat an entire level without dying once. However they don't count for achievements so they can suck my ass.

A couple of other gripes include the artstyle and water mechanics. Water is a mechanic that is underused and it really didn't need to be in the game. Also, sometimes it's hard to distinguish the forground to the background and I would often not see a platform or die to a hidden spike.

If this all sounds too difficult for you, don't be too hesitant on buying this. There is an assist mode that is way more intuitive than most easy modes. It's incredibly versatile and you can customise it to fit your playstyle. There aren't any drawbacks to using it either! (aside from your ego)

One more thing to note is the story. It takes itself very seriously despite the characters sounding very silly. The story goes very deep into coping with depression and overcoming loss and I think it handles it really well. The story is never the main focus but what is there is very mature and engaging.

I nearly posted this review without talking about the music. Holy crap does this game have a good soundtrack. All levels have unique themes and the theme will often change depending on your point in the level. Every B-side has a remixed soundtrack to it and these can even be better than the original theme itself! Aesthetically this game is pretty solid as well. Nothing breathtaking but it can look quite stunning in some sections.

After dying 5000 times and getting all steam achievements in this game, I would highly recommend playing this game. I would probably advise against going for 100% unless you really love a hard challenge.


You can do the hip dance: 'Gangnam Style'

This is actually my favourite DLC of the 3. It has by far the most replay value and I actually quite like the driving in this game. Don't get me wrong, it's no GTA but it works quite well imo.

While races should have been in the game from the start, these new ones are extremely high quality. They were all expertly crafted while the races in JC3 were all just driving along roads for a minute. The destruction is absolutely wild. There are giant boulders, tornadoes, weaponized vehicles driving after you and so much more.

Races aren't the only attraction though. There are little destructive arenas to just go mental in. These sandbox-type arenas are just the most satisfying thing to come out of this game and that's saying a lot. Much better than the gear challenges from JC3.

The weaponized vehicles in this DLC are a treat. Not only are they the best vehicles in the entire game, but you can upgrade them by getting a higher score in the races. There are so many vehicles to chose from and each have their own gimmick. This is where the replay value comes in as these vehicles can be used at any time in the game.

This is the cheapest DLC of the three and also the best in my opinion. If you don't like the driving in this game, maybe hold off from buying it however I would definitely give this a recommend.

This DLC is most comparable to the Sky fortress DLC from JC3. It gives you a cool new movement option, as well as a bunch of challenges to partake in and a few ships to blow up.

I didn't really like the hoverboard at first because it felt very reliant on the rails to actually function. The more i used it, the better I got with it and it is a really fun utensil to use. You can gain massive momentum and it even works on water.

While the hoverboard is the main attraction, Rico gets a few more cool gadgets for his arsenal. Boats, helicopters and a couple of cool weapons all give you more variety to blow stuff up. Nothing special but it's still more than the 'Los Demonios' DLC.

There is also a change in enemies this time. The new enemies have acquired a very nice upgrade that I won't spoil and there is even a boss fight. The boss is a little bit easy with the right equipment however it was still really cool to see.

One final thing is the DLCs length. I could complete it in a few hours which isn't all that great. There are optional races to complete and it's longer than the Sky Fortress DLC but I still don't think that the price is justified.

Please don't end the Just Cause series here, there is so much potential for a JC5.

Very repetitive and the replayability is lacking however I still did have quite a bit of fun with this DLC. My main take away is that it actually has a solid boss fight. JC3 had a weak final boss and JC4 didn't even have one so it was nice to see this here. The DLC is quite challenging compared to the rest of the game which may repel some and attract others.

While I did say that the DlC doesn't have much replay value, the crossbow is incredibly satisfying and effecting against the black hand and vehicles. That's literally it though for the new gadgets you get. The other 2 DLCs give you a bunch of cool stuff to play around with which is why this DLC is a bit disappointing.

You can use the cow gun on demons which makes this a 10/10 experience instantly. Overall, this is probably my least favourite DLC. For it's price, this is by no means worth it. I would highly suggest getting this in a bundle or a sale.

This is basically just more of the same from Dishonored 1, which is by no means a bad thing. Sequels will often use the same mechanics while adding a few new ones. I do slightly prefer the first game to this one, however the sequel does have a few benefits to it.

The obvious new attraction here is being able to play as Emily. She has a completely new move set with some awesome abilities. Some of the abilities like 'Domino' are completely broken but also really satisfying to pull off. This game goes even further with the creativity in murdering soldiers and I love it.

The levels are well designed, much like the first game. I love the concept of 'A Crack in the Slab' as it is utilised to it's potential without it feeling overused. 'Clockwork Mansion' also has a clever gimmick however I despise the level due to the enemy types.

The brutality in this game goes even further than it did in the first game. Slicing heads off has never been more fun. High and low chaos was brought back however the ending differences this time are minuscule.

I would recommend getting this game even though it doesn't bring much new to the table. The problems of the first game are still there such as having to manual save, however I would probably consider this to be an improvement over the first game. The price is slightly higher so I would only buy on sale.


This is the game that secured my love for stealth games. That rush of excitement when you get away with a sneaky kill is so satisfying. Gaining new abilities as well as upgrading old ones gives you an incentive to explore these incredibly detailed levels.

While the combat is quite basic, there are many ways to go about it. Stealth works the best but get good at parrying and you'll be a god at this game. Using guns and crossbows felt a bit cheap for me but it's still another utensil for those who like variety.

Verticality in this game is wonderfully done. You can teleport just about anywhere and you can complete an entire level without getting caught if you're good enough.

The story is also a big part of this game as there are different ending you can get. You can choose to murder everyone in your sight, or knock them out and dump them in bins so that the rats can't feed on them. It's a really cool way of making the player think of how they will handle a situation.

My main issue with this game is the lack of autosaving. I really dislike games that force you to save every second and punish you when you forget to save. Getting sent back 10 minutes of work is exhausting.

Aside from the horrifying overly sized hands, this game is a near perfect stealth game with unique abilities, expertly crafted levels and pretty good storytelling. Most certainly worth a buy even at full price.


This game genuinely terrified me enough to frighten me every time I came back to the game. The creepy tone throughout is amazingly done and it doesn't need jumpscares to be scary.

My main complaint is that the game slowly becomes less and less scary. The 2nd chapter was perfect and the 3rd kept that momentum going pretty well. However the 4th chapter was really short and more funny then scary. The 5th chapter had me hyped as it started off so creepy and then it was suddenly over. Sadly it felt like they ran out of time or something because the quality declined throughout.

The puzzles are nice however the jumping and depth perception can be off at some times. The controls do feel a little bit clunky but it doesn't take away from the experience too much. Apparently the DLC leans harder into the puzzle aspect which is definitely a good thing.

The game does not have a lot of replayability and you can beat it in 4 hours so I don't think that the £16 price is justified. However when this game goes on sale I would pick it up in an instant.


I'm not really sure what to say about this game, except that it's worth a buy. Slicing through enemies and deflecting bullets is incredibly badass. Music is great. Story keeps you interested until the end. Loads of secrets. Hard mode for replayability. That's pretty much it. I can't think of any flaws aside from people not liking one shot death mechanics. I'd even say that it has enough content for its price.

Sometimes, a little push is needed to get the ball rolling.

In the summer of 2018 I found myself struggling with depression more than ever before. Work became increasingly difficult to show up to, I feared expressing my problems about my mental health because I saw myself as a failure and screw up.

However when i picked up Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do You Still Shower With Your Dad, i saw new meanings to life. It showed me that even something as small as showering with family can drastically change someone's life. I've seen a huge improvement in my mental health and I'm a completely different person as a result. My depression is still there, I think it always will be, but I can manage it to the extent that it doesn't affect my ability to function in day-to-day life.

Garfield Kart is the best kart racing game anyone has made in a long time. It strikes a careful balance between refining old ideas while introducing fresh new ones. Admittedly, its gorgeous graphics and jazzy orchestrated soundtrack bolster its presentation, but you’re getting a lot more than just looks with this one – although I spent an awful lot of time gawking at the details in slow-motion, the fast and furious pace of racing with friends both locally and online is what really kept me coming back.

I didn't think this would be my type of game as it doesn't really have any actual 'content'. Having said that, this game is just super relaxing. The artstyle is pretty and the music when you take off is breathtaking. There are a few puzzles however most are quite easy to solve.

Exploration here is amazing too as you can fly anywhere from the get go. The sense of mystery in the spirits and world is fantastically done as lore is entirely optional for those who aren't interested.

The only complaint I have is the ending. I was expecting something to happen towards the end but there was no final 'dungeon' or anything like that. It kinda just ended.

While the game is brilliant, the price certainly is not. It's not the longest of games so I would recommend getting it while it's on offer.


While some would consider this worse than Grow Home, I personally love the changes they added. The game is incredibly open ended and you can do any objective at one time. This forces you to explore this pretty detailed world and uncover all of it's secrets.

Gaining upgrades was the most enjoyable time in my playthrough as it was so exiting to see how B.U.D would become even more powerful then before. Researching plants was also a joy as there was a massive variety in how they transport you. Both these points highlight how the movement in this game is incredible. There are many ways to go from point to point and this allows for experimentation.

Time trials were added as well to test your movement knowledge and skill. These were all a joy to beat because you would unlock a new costume which isn't just an aesthetic change. Combine this with the open world elements and you have a game that is quite a bit longer than the first game, taking me around 4 times as long to beat it.

Somehow I had never heard of these two games until summer 2020 but I'm glad I got to experience them.


The game is pretty much the definition of short but sweet. The climbing controls actually work perfectly and the difficulty of climbing was obviously intentional. Growing giant plants is actually quite addictive and satisfying.

In my playthrough I didn't explore at all. I barely got any gems which hurt me in the long run. Please get some upgrades before that god forsaken final jump. It took me so long to just do a single jump. I beat the game in just under an hour but I can definitely see people getting 3-5 hours on this game.

I prefer Grow Up to this game but that was probably because the game forces you to explore more which in turn allows you to get more upgrades. Overall this is a pretty underated feel good game.


I almost never do negative reviews and I would have never expected myself to do one for a beloved platformer but here we are. For some reason I just really didn't like this game. It feels really outdated in both movement and level design.

The game often struggle registering what I want it to do. I'll jump directly into a poll and Faith wouldn't grab it and instead we would fall to our death. The wall running was more realistic but more frustrating. Grabbing onto ledges was also a big issue for some reason. Fighting with clunky controls shouldn't be where the challenge lies. It's similar to Mario 64 in the sense that the controls used to be good but now they are very outdated. You need a lot of practice in something that should have been fun from the start. Checkpoints in this game are wack too. I could have done 2 minutes of platforming only for Faith to fail grabbing a pipe and we would get sent back so far.

Platforming can feel really good at times and experienced players will grow to love the core gameplay, however unfairly dying multiple times ruins the game's flow.

The story didn't captivate me so I don't really have anything to say about that. Visually I really like the red and white aesthetic however you can see that the graphics are outdated in some segments.

Also why the heck is shooting a main mechanic in this game. It feels awful. Why is it mandatory to progress. I can't describe how bad the combat is and it's just something you need to try out for yourself. Not sure why I pressed myself to beat the game, I thought it might click with me at one point but it really didn't. Others might disagree with me though so it's worth trying out.