Pixar’s Up but with zombies and medium defining human love and struggle.

Stardew Valley but boring and without 4 player coop.

How did they make a middle aged man locking you in his basement boring.

It’s a survival game like that survival game that’s like that other survival game but worse.

You and your friends try to be Indiana jones and it goes about as well as you’d expect: The Game.

When I got my spine atomized by a flying street sign well punching my friend on top of a moving truck I knew I was playing a masterpiece.

This game is like an intern who accidentally writes code for a world changing discovery and then it’s older brother took it and became a bazillionare.

Actually fascinating how you can make robbing a bank formulaic and boring, it’s 4 player coop though.

It would take this Ben, ten redbulls to not full asleep while playing this shit.

This shit is like a hospital patient that gets revived for 7 minutes before slowly dying in the hospital bed except the defibrillator is the opening cutscene, the hospital bed is the open world and the patient is anyone who bought this 60$ game.

They fixed all the problems in the original, this is a genuine tragedy.

Made me want to go bowling in real life.

Made me want to go play soccer in real life.

Game so real it makes me feel like I’m playing it when I’m finding who still finds the jokes funny.

Very few games begin to hit the “So bad it’s good” title, but when I stared into my fellow survivor’s eyes and offered him a can of beans in the middle of a low graphics wasteland in easily the worst survival game I’ve ever played, I had fun for a brief moment.