it has a similar feel as to the stanley parable and portal, which is really good!
its a short, and quite mentally challenging game with a really happy ending!
i feel like they could use more varied puzzles, they only have 2 main "gimmicks" that really work. adding more varied puzzles will also increase game length which would hurt the "short and sweet" game length it proudly accomplishes.

i got mixed feelings on the story in this game, and no, im not a homophobe
i gotta sit down and think about this one, its hard.

edit: great game. love it.

i love rhythm heaven, the music and visuals are so wacky but so good!
i could go for a another game from this series!

we need a remaster or a remake or hell, I'll say it, a new f zero game.
this is my first and only f zero game, and good god it is such a great one

very unique, i still have not seen a game with this style... ever.

i beat this game many times and even played it in vr!
its so good... very colorful... challenging at times... wow

this game was unexpectedly good lol
people say this is heavily inspired by undertale, I think that's a good thing
amazing music and jokes, i also particularly enjoy the screen effects lol

[Platinuim on PS4 using PS5]
this game is honestly so good!
i took a very long break from it to play other games, but I came back and platinumed it pretty much instantly

i actually finished the campaign on this game surprisingly lol
I don't remember liking the game that much, its a good game, just not my cup of tea...

this game was honestly super hype when I first heard about it, the gameplay looked so clean!
i had a blast playing this with friends lol

the first and only pokemon game i have finished lol

this game is too long to "finish"
still peak though
also what happened to the low quality 3d rendered birds? lmao

when i was very stupid and young, I would have 7 nation army on loop while playing this game.

god I hate my past self lmao

i spent a bit more time with this over the wii u version, but I still consider it to be pretty much shadowed by ultimate

i kinda just play arsenal... but its dumb fun anyway lmao