473 Reviews liked by Hannibalmick

Je veux pouvoir faire une battle de danse contre un ours

half of this shit wouldnt have happened if they just talked to the florist lmfao

I honestly expected more out of this since the fans hype it up so much. It felt like Tio, Ellie and Noel got shafted and the antagonists didn't leave that much of an impression. Randy's sexy as hell and the final boss was the most fun I've had in the series at least.

Don't get frustrated! If you take the time to learn how the game wants you to play then there is nothing else like Sekiro. The best swordplay in any game ever. You will become a shinobi. Stop dodging and be aggressive. It's not flexible like other Souls games. The animations are God-tier. Eventually you get an ability to turn enemies to your side and set them to fight each other. So much fun. For me, endlessly re-playable.

Couldn't have asked for a better conclusion for one of my favourite protagonists in gaming

This game changed my life. I mean it. Because of Yakuza: Like a Dragon, I played through every mainline Yakuza game back to back (plus Judgment and Lost Judgment) over the past year. Something in me changed during that time. I can’t play another game about just shooting people. I can’t play another Ubisoft open world collectathon. I just can’t play a game that has nothing to say. Yakuza: Like a Dragon made me feel like a kid again. I felt like I just discovered video games for the first time. It made me laugh. It made me cry. It was my best friend for a few months during some of the darkest days of the pandemic. Walking around Yokohama with the gang really felt like exploring a city with the people I love. I don’t know what’s next for this series and these characters, but I’m along for the ride.

If someone tells you to skip Yakuza 3 you are to break their back and leave them on the fucking shore to be claimed by the vultures. Yakuza 3 is important, god damn ye. If they complain about the combat you are to punch them in the head until they stop blocking.

Combat in 3 is really rough with the multiple choice finisher thing and yes the fact that enemies are really prone to blocking everything but the plot is integral to Kiryu and his arc. Every moment upon the beaches of Okinawa should be treated as crystalline tears rolling down the cheeks of an angel. Treasure this peace. Worth price of admission just to see Haruka making Curry. I will hear no dissent on this topic.

Sekiro rightfully earns its spot as my second favourite FromSoft game. The Souls formula is still there, but the gameplay is fairly different now. Taking Bloodborne’s aggressiveness encouragement another step forward, Sekiro rewards not giving the enemies a chance to breathe more than ever. Boss battles are a tug-of-war of trying to break each other’s posture and perfect blocking to mitigate it. The dodge button pushes you forward by default and you often hope to have your attack blocked more than a it be a direct hit. Some of my favourite FromSoft bosses reside in this game with the final boss perhaps being my favourite overall. Level design is also at its best with the game finally giving you a greater range of movement and verticality with jumping and grappling. There’s even decent stealth mechanics. Sekiro was a really pleasant surprise and I hope they continue The Wolf’s story.

Tales of Arise came in just shy of a 9/10. It just wasn't quite enough.

There is a lot of greatness here. All the characters are likable and interesting, the combat system is by far the best the Tales of Series has ever seen and the OST is as good as ever.

However, in the second half of the game, it drops off a little bit.
... I dunno. The pacing is not quite as good, the story is not quite as concise and one can find moments of Anime Dumb here and there that are just not for me.

It's still a really great entry in a great series though, and totally worth your time.

Imagine how good the game would be if they had the credits after the fifth lord and announced arise 2 so they can actually take time for part 2



I stopped playing this at the 10 hour mark after becoming bored with the repetition, and even after a break I have no desire to come back to it.

Hades makes a strong first impression with its high quality art and voice acting, but the gameplay has neither the variety nor the systemic depth to justify being a roguelike. You are simply grinding through the same levels, same enemies, same bosses - over and over and over - just to get drip-fed a little bit of story or horny dialogue.

Ultimately, the roguelike structure only serves to obnoxiously pad out the game's length. It takes a short, entertaining button-masher and stretches it out to a lengthy, gossamer-thin grindfest. I can put up with a lot of things in games, but I just can't abide boredom.

This review contains spoilers

an overall solid game, but a lackluster tales title, unfortunately dragged down by its' relatively short and rushed main story and very few interesting sidequests. it isn't my place to comment on wether the plot should've included the elements it did, but i will say that the slavery storyline felt poorly handled. the ideas were there but ultimately it ended up being another "you should forgive your oppressors and live together" fantasy racism plot ending, and while they did focus on the struggles of getting to that point they seemed meaningless in the grander scheme of things, especially with the god-awful endgame reveal that dahnans and renans are the same race and the 'real' villain wasn't the slave owners.

even putting aside the slavery plot, everything from lenegis onwards felt unnecessary to me. the red woman was the first tales antagonist i've been genuinely afraid of, so the reveal that she's an observant alien race fell flat, and the renan great spirit wasn't all that shocking to me, especially having played tales of the abyss and a lot of other jrpgs with similar sentience/will story beats.

the villains were incredibly bland and one-dimensional, and the brief attempt at humanizing the lords during the lenegis sidequest was frankly disgusting to play through; i really dont know what the team at bamco were thinking while writing that part. vohlran was almost interesting, what with his parallels to alphen, but his motivations and reasons were practically nonexistent and near impossible to understand. for most of the game i was praying for a well-written antagonist from a previous tales game like gaius, mithos or duke to show up but they never did. even heldalf from zestiria had more depth than this guy, and that's a very low standard to fail to live up to.

the highs of arise for me were the main party and the gameplay. every realm was distinct and a joy to explore, with ingredients growing around the map, secrets hidden in every corner and a lot to do and interact with. the cast were just as good as i've come to expect from the tales series, and while they're not top tier characters from an objective standpoint they're enjoyable and the party dynamic was always entertaining, especially with the characters warming up to each other and falling naturally into a found family trope towards the end.

nothing in arise felt particularly new to me; it was the same tales structure and plot twists (two worlds, bigger threat, fake endgame boss leading into the second half against said bigger threat, one world taking the others' energy etc etc) but aside from the incredibly uncomfortable and unfortunately prominent slavery plotline these tropes are so well-used because they work. yes we've heard the two worlds story done over and over even just within the tales series, but it's enjoyable enough and still engaging - it just saddens me that what could've been a great, if slightly unoriginal, story was overshadowed by fantasy racism being used yet again.

tales of arise was a fun experience, and i really do love the characters, but the story really felt like a few older tales titles thrown together and covered in a shiny coat of new-gen graphic paint and an overambitious racism plotline that tried to be revolutionary but ultimately fell flat. the only reason i give this game three and a half stars is for the gameplay and the cast - otherwise it would be a two, maybe three star experience at best.