It was amazing up until rolling the credits for the first time. Past that point is just endless backtracking and studying of every pixel to find secrets. The search was fun at first but eventually I burnt out and resorted to using a guide as it got too tedious.

Official servers will shut down in less than a month, PLAY WHILE YOU STILL CAN.

After playing Ultimate, this is not that fun. Just feels off now.

My first video game :)

So charming and so polished. Definitely has a unique charm missing from newer Nintendo games.

Pretty good game but the exploration aspect of it gets boring once you realize that 99% of the things you'll find in the overworld are just shrines and Koroks. You won't be bored if you learn how to windbomb though; launching across the map at fast speeds is very fun, and I only 100% this game because it made getting around the map much more enjoyable.

I finally got Superb on everything. Here’s my top and bottom 3 of the main minigames.

3. Karate Man
2. Double Date
1. Flipper-Flop

3. Launch Party
2. Tap Troupe
1. Love Rap (I have a DEEP hatred in my heart for this one in particular)

A ton of spectacle without much substance. Not challenging in the slightest until the final secret level. Who needs good level design when you can make your own fun with self-imposed challenges via the shitty badge system? The "New Super" games are better unfortunately.

It was fun as a kid but while replaying it I found the solutions to the puzzles kinda simple and repetitive. It really started to drag by the time I was done with it. But there is still some fun to be found here, just don't try to 100% it like I did.

The platforming was generic and the camera was clunky. Not that fun unfortunately but not terrible either.

The puzzles were repetitive and got old quick. Good thing it was only 2 hours long because I did not want to play any longer.
Good music & background art, but mediocre gameplay.

Great compilation, but If you’ve already played several WarioWare games before this one like I have, you wont find much new content here. Still a blast though, especially if this is one of your first Wario games.

I enjoyed the mini-games more than the game itself.

Has like 2 hours of mediocre content. The Gamer minigame is pretty fucking good but that's about it. Decent tech demo!

Didn't save my progress for some reason so I just quit. What I played of this mod was decent though.