9 Reviews liked by Hawkszinho



HADES É BOM PRA KRLWWWWWWWWWW sem duvida um dos melhores títulos nesse estilo de game, joguem tudo nesse jogo te prende e te faz querer jogar mais, alias esse game foi um dos motivos de eu ter comprado o nintendo switch, pra conseguir jogar ele fora de casa

esse jogo é gostoso do começo ao fim eu amei ter jogado esse jogo é recomendo para todos.



Alright, so I tried this game years ago, played for a few hours and then put it down because I was really turned off by it being a roguelike game. Just picked it up again after all this time and I’m so glad I did. The characters are so likeable and the art style is absolutely gorgeous. Took me a little while to get hooked at first because I really don’t like the idea of roguelikes (just personal preference, just not my style of game) but I pushed through and started finding my build and once I figured out something that worked for me, I absolutely loved it. I found the gameplay frustratingly addicting and the story was such an incredible use of the game style. The dialogue was hilarious at times, I found myself saving videos of interactions all the time. I know to fully “beat” the game you have to complete it 10 times and I MIGHT do that in the future but right now, I don’t have any urge to. I beat it once and that was enough for me, but the story does make me want to see more eventually.

Obviously I downloaded it to play on a discord call, to just take a few laughs with my friends, and it worked. I thought it would be worse, cause there are some "show her your dick" options, but the guy comes after and say "plz, that's a crime, don't do that" so that's positive.

Clearly I won't be using any of it:

1 - this guy is a mental, most of the "correct" options don't make any sense
2 - I'm a latino, things here work differently
3 - I already have a girlfriend

I'd give some stars more, cause it was fun, there are some non-sense conversations like spoiler the girl's book, say she's a killer for not being vegan and saying she's a communist cause she's learning russian. However, there were "correct options" that were really sexist, xenophobe and sexual harrasment, and that's not cool, even in a meme game.

"Women like men more intelligent than her" d u d e

This is about 13 dollars on steam, I wouldn't recommend you to buy it not even for a single dollar.

Okay so, there's a lot to say about this game and not a lot of words to say it. If you're into games like this, consider this a masterpiece. The environment, the characters, the story, the visuals, everything is beautiful. This game had me by the throat for awhile, its hard to stop playing once you get in a rhythm. The mines were compelling and kept me coming back again and again, well after I finished them. I have very few complaints about this game. One being the way the characters don't change over time with dialogue. I figured when I married Shane that Marnie and Jas would treat me a little more like family or at least have a few dialogues that acknowledge the fact that we were married. Whenever I kept seeing Marnie, she would always say something like "Oh my nephew Shane has been living with me for the passed few months-" that never changes. Another complaint I have is the GRIND for perfection. I was at the point where I had everything but the golden clock and I was so desperate by the end, I was just selling my accumulation of materials over the years to get the 10,000,000 I needed for it. It was actually painful but I got really desperate. But eventually I got it and the satisfaction was indescribable. I highly recommend everyone who even has a hint of interest give this a try. It had so much charm and I consider it a real treasure of a game.

"oh, this game is good, but not a five stars" "It's just a copy of harvest moon"

MAN, THIS GAME WAS MADE BY JUST 1 GUY. The songs, the story of each characters, all the pixel arts, the programming, e v e r y t h i n g. It's a fun game, all updates add a bunch of stuff, the creator hears the players concerns.

On my first try, I didn't see why this game was soo hyped, but then I gave it a second try and tadaaa, more than 200 hours in it. It's chill, relaxing and great to get to understand all the gossip that runs in the village.

Just buy it, It's not that expensive

I'm not sure how to put into words how I feel about this game. It has really become my comfort game whenever I'm stressed or anxious. From the storytelling, to the gameplay, everything just feels so personal and really makes me happy like no other game I've ever played. This game really means a lot to me