4 Reviews liked by HayabusaZeroZ

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finally got to play it for myself!

i think the game is a little too ahead of the times, but by that i mean it's not for the age demographic of seasoned silent hill fans. it's for young gen x or older gen alpha & i don't think they'll (should) play it yet.

it's also goes a little too hard with imagery of self harm scars & a razor, & really hammers in the bullying with cringe-like middle school anti-bullying videos.

but, it's still a good game. it really shouldn't be tied to silent hill, & i think if it wasn't it would be better recognized. i still teared up at a few parts. i love the art that maya does & i love the ending scene with the papers flying away. this will be great for younger generations that had their middle/high school ruined by covid lock down, & ones that really care a lot about social media. for us old sh-heads it seems cringe but it's a really nice game.

Look, you can view this as a new take on Armored Core that's faithful in some ways and too derivative in others or you can just see it as a completely different game using the IP. The way I view it? This is maybe some of the coolest, fastest, and most badass feeling combat/movement I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

Just finished Disc 2 and the twist that everyone hypes up as "ruining the game" is something that, while kinda corny, is such a nonissue that all it does is prove that everyone who hates this game is simply too weak
Go back to using a bad fan theory to cope with your inability to recognize a good game, losers

whoever came up with the idea of cait sith box throwing segment should be punished

really wished i played the original before playing these new ones but kinda too late now. I'll probably get through the og and crisis core before the next one though.

The gameplay is pretty incredible though, combat especially is very satisfying if you take the time to learn the systems properly. At a certain point it kind of becomes overwhelming especially when you take organizing and levelling up materia into account. Having to manage literally like 50 to 60 materia slots is kinda nuts

most of the minigames are mid. queens blood is goated even though i think i don't like card games. when the cards start to be replacement cards shit kind of gets out of hand tbh lol.

Still don't really like the endings of these remakes. It's always some kind of mystery cliffhanger what da fuck situation

the game is epic and big and there's lots to do but there's just a couple things that keep it from being absolutely perfect