Despite the not so special main story, it still is able to keep you hooked with its fast paced combat, excellent character and enemy designs and a wonderful soundtrack to go along with it.

would be 5/5 if lotus juice wasn't in it

i couldnt have asked for anything better than this

extreme snoozefest after mission 6

im struggling to keep my eyes open as i write this because of how much i cried

many conflicting things to say abt this, but still managed to enjoy it at the end of the day

asshole clenched every single second of playthrough

simple yet phenomenal combat system, challenging fights and extremely pretty style. banger soundtrack as well, but unfortuntately only 2 of the 8 character stories kept me engaged enough and i am unable to keep my interest towards this, will be moving on to the sequel already

the game wasnt able to catch my attention at all, there's a lot of good in it but also the boredom of it just was not bearable

it's visually gorgeous and the soundtracks are amazing, but it lacks a lot in every other category, the gameplay is very uninspired and falls short to even keep you entertained after the first few hours. the enemy variety doesn't help either, the boss fights are extremely underwhelming as well. car and flight controls feel still very sluggish, not much improvement since the first installment.

narratively it's definitely the best of the trilogy and i loved the gradual takeover of joker until the end but it still hits a lot of bad spots dragging it out alot with useless missions.

phenomenal combat system, it's sad that it keeps crashing after i defeat Sea Spider, locking me on that mission forever. first ever Fromsoft game i thoroughly enjoyed, I'll pick it up again when it goes on sale for consoles.

aesthetically awesome, mechanically not so much. i had a fun time w it but a lot of the issues with the mana system are very noticeable. the enemy design is pretty cool and elevates the atmosphere along side the ost, until the final hour or so that is. it just becomes a shitshow of grouped enemies to give you a false sense of difficulty just making it annoying to play rather than challenging.