93 Reviews liked by Hellkert

Played the story mode and some character episodes. The story, graphics and gameplay are all fine. There were 2 fights that were hard for me (both boss fights) but the rest of the game's fights are pretty fair. The character episodes are okay, the cutscenes could be a bit longer but whatever. I'll probably play Tekken 8 this year!

Man, after FC2 I was excited to play 6, I had already played 3,4 and 5 before. The gameplay itself is still fun but there's so much useless stuff crammed onto it.
An ultimate attack, different clothing giving you certain attributes, some being abilities you could do in FC3 and FC4 like using your pistol after a takedown to kill another enemy there was nearby.
The progression here is TRASH, you get the wingsuit by buying a random upgrade for one of your camps, what the actual hell. It didn't felt rewarding at all. There's also no skill tree which I also disliked. You can get strong weapons pretty quickly so I wasn't interested in trying other weapons since mine were already fine. You can also change the type of bullets your weapons will fire, so you can give extra damage to some enemies depending on their weakness, I thought that was a lazy way to add more diversity to the game. There's also a level system, which is poorly designed, the bases recommended levels will also rise according to your level, that's fine, but MAIN MISSIONS recommended levels also rise, who thought this was a good idea???? There was a point I was level 9 and the recommended level for the mission was 16!!! Most enemies were bullet sponges, it felt very boring to play.
There are tons of secondary stuff you can do, I wasn't motivated to do pretty much any of them, I only did a treasure hunt which was actually nice since I did some platforming.
Storywise the game is meh, there are some interesting parts but they're all underdeveloped or rushed. There are quite a couple of characters you can recruit to join the cause, they're mostly fine, I didn't find most of them interesting. The ending was super anticlimactic. I was already burnt out and the ending just made me even more sure that I wouldn't keep playing it.
The gameplay itself is fine, sniping enemies feels good (WHEN you can kill them with one headshot), the gunplay for other weapons is good. I wish stealth was better incorporated, there are some very cool stealth kill animations, but Dani moves so slowly I didn't really enjoying playing that way so I sniped most of the enemies until everything went crazy. Fishing is cool although it takes a bit too long to capture a random fish.
Overall, it's mindless fun with a very meh story. Don't expect FC3 pr FC4's level of "survival" elements like hunting animals to upgrade how many weapons or grenades you can carry but do expect a shoe-horned rpg system just to increase the game's length. There were like 3-4 missions I thought were cool, but I'd rather replay FC3 or FC4 anytime of the day.

Pretty fun stealth game. The story didn't really grab me for the most part but the gameplay, level design and art style are all very good! You can do your objectives in lots of ways and kill enemies also in many ways. I think it's dumb how a game that offers so many options gives you the worst ending if you kill tons of enemies on missions but whatever. I'll probably play Daud's dlcs next.

I was excited to finally play TEW, I love horror/horror themed games, Alan Wake 2, TLoU 1 and 2, the og re4, re2r, SH2 and SH3 are all games I liked playing through. i was very burnt-out in the couple last chapters of TEW. Why? Very random difficulty spikes, the story kept stalling a lot, some sections are tedious to go through.
In the beginning of the game it seems like stealth will be VERY important throughout the game but there were very few moments where I could actually stealth around. There are even a couple of sections where there are LOTS of enemies you have to fight and imo it takes away some of the tension you were feeling in the previous chapters. RE4 has lots of combat but there was always some tension, even if it was just a little, sometimes there was absolutely no tension here, just boredom until I was done killing tons of enemies. I feel like they wanted stealth to be important but then it's basically tossed away, even when you can stealth around it feels clunky. The action was also dialed up too much sometimes, like I said. The story and the voice acting are okay. There's some very interesting enemy designs here. Graphically it holds up quite nicely for an almost 10 year old game! The gameplay is nice, the stealth is meh, but the gunplay is nice. The soundtrack and sound design are good too! There's a design choice here that feels so random, when you crouch the audio basically is lowered and gets a bit muffled. The level design is good, there are some pretty cool setpieces! The game doesn't feel very fun to play after 9/10 chapters because the story kept stalling and there were also those difficulty spikes I mentioned. The game also crashed out of nowhere a couple times, sometimes in the middle of a cutscene, sometimes in the inicial logos when booting the game. It got annoying because sometimes I lost 10/15 mins of progress.
Overall I still liked this game even though it drags quit a bit and is tedious in some parts.

Cool Fact: This is a direct remake of the original Garfield Kart, the subtitle means nothing

a true psychological horror classic

It's definitely an improvement over Arena, but I still hate the time limit in quests. This game's story missions for some reason are scrambled to the point where you can choose one of 3 quests but if you accidentally choose the one that is supposed to be the ending, RIP the other two and it was very frustrating. The story is just royal families drama for the most part, which I'm never a fan of. Nonetheless, I appreciate how the ending part of the game deviates from that and how the endings were acknowledged in later entries. Overall; it's ok. The gameplay is great and enjoyable once it clicks with you, but the story.. idk it never clicked with me lol

Do yourself a favor and play this with the Unity version because you CAN get softlocked due to random generation.

It's quite fun although it does get a bit repetitive after a while. You can have some quite scary moments here as well as very funny ones. The mods make it more replayable and fun!

Great sequel. The story mode is nice although I'd have liked a darker tone but it's okay. The co-op is really fun and an amazing thing they added to this! It's a blast!

Max Payne 3 is the only MP game that wasn't made by Remedy and you can feel that all over the place. The writing isn't as good making Max feel weirdly written lots of times. The plot isn't also very interesting most of time, it's either predictable or meh. THEY GOT RID OF THE GRAPHIC NOVEL PANELS??? They could have some and let the rest of the cutscenes be in real time... James McCaffrey is amazing as Max, such a good performance, unfortunately the writing isn't as good. The gameplay is quite good for a 2012 release and it's the best thing about this game, you spend 90% of the time you're playing shooting enemies and it does feel amazing! Some sections feel like they could've been in the original games in terms of level design, so that's a plus. As a third person shooter this game is amazing! But as the end of the MP's story it's meh so that's why I'm giving it this score.

Man, this game is so mediocre. it's still quite buggy, it was way worse on launch apparently so If I had paid for it in that state I'd probabky give it 1 and a half stars. The story is meh, there's a couple of nice moments and missions but that's it. The gameplay is a bit clunky but it gets the job done, you can do takedowns and some special moves. There's good weapon variety and it's the same thing with cars. The city felt mostly very boring, the side activities didn't interest me in any way. There's a really good thing about this game which is the character customization, you can change lots of things to make your character's design stand out! If this game had been in dev for a couple more years it could've been great. It's insane how GTA V (a 9 year old game when this released) does everything better and I'm not a huge fan of GTA V lol. I'm still hyped to play SR3 and 4, which I both have on Epic.

the atmosphere and art direction in this game is so fucking good and the story is mystery so there was no way I wouldn't enjoy this

Really good Telltale game, Bigby is a great protagonist! The story (overall) is interesting although it slightly drags sometimes.

"𝘏𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘣𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘺𝘴𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘣𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘪𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧.
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘦 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥."

É uma jornada de punição, com uma cidade que parece viva e que manipula nossos passos.
O protagonista permanece calmo na maioria das vezes e isso me faz pensar que Silent Hill reflete a mente de James, só que da maneira mais grotesca possível.

Existem alguns personagens nesse caminho, que parecem totalmente fora da realidade do lugar, mas que influenciam o ambiente. Você se sente preso e indo diretamente para morte, sem volta. Os cenários surreais, labirintos e buracos são sinistros.
O clima que esse jogo tem é tenebroso, um terror psicológico insano.
O simbolismo por trás dos monstros é muito interessante, por exemplo, o design "sensual" das Nurses, mostra a perturbação da mente de James.

Os puzzles são simples e satisfatórios, você coleta vários itens pelo mapa. Eu não sabia que existiam armas no jogo antes de jogar, achei que era só correria, mas mesmo assim você se sente muito refém da cidade.

A câmera e controle de tanque entram de maneira positiva na gameplay, é um pouco difícil de controlar (bem melhor que outros jogos nesse estilo), mas acredito que ajuda no propósito do jogo, causa efeito claustrofóbico.

Leva entre 5 e 8 horas para zerar.

nota 🗻🌫️/10

its good and has so many bugs but the dog can live til the end so its okay