92 Reviews liked by Hellkert

ja foi bom, ja me diverti muito, foi só o primeiro ano que joguei e foi em 2015.

Hoje é se ganha uma partida o time inimigo se rendem aos 15 ou até menos, se ta perdendo fica a partida até os 30-45 minutos só tomando no rabo sem parar e se consegue virar a partida tu só se sente miserável, nem uma breve alegria.

É um jogo que tu passa mais tempo desanimado do que animado, só continuam jogando nisso pq lançam campeão com design punhetinha com skin punhetinha por 30 reais.

nota: rework visual do Jax.

This was surprisingly short and I was sometimes stuck in some puzzles which mostly had simpler solutions than what I was expecting, so sometimes I'd need to do a simple thing and I wouldn't think of that simple thing because I thought it'd be more complex lol. They're mostly really fun though! The story is nice and the final section of the game was a bit different from the rest which not everybody will like. The portals mechanic was very fun and I'm interested to see how Portal 2 improves upon this since it's apparently much longer. Still alive is a banger song!!! I was excited to play Still alive too but it's a 360 exclusive :(

The first time I heard about this game, it was all negative opinions, saying that it had nothing to do with Season one and two, and that it was unnecessary and a waste of money.

But if I'm honest, I can put this game even higher than season 2. It does everything perfect, learning from the mistakes of the previous games, making what the player decides what he DOES want to do and say. I kept imagining what would happen next, and the game gives you a purpose to keep playing episode after episode FROM THE FIRST 2 MINUTES. Definitely a game that many should learn from when wanting to create a script.

Oh and by the way, the intro is one of the best things ever created.

The characters have emotions, you feel what they feel and you see them as if they were people, it makes you get attached to the characters in the story, without taking time away from you because "wow we need to develop characters" No, they do it while you are doing your stuff.

The story lasts as long as it has to, at no point did I feel bored or wanting to "play it later".

Now, the question of the century, can I play this without having played TWD Season 1 and TWD Season 2? Yes, completely, it has nothing to do with the story of the previous ones, but it is in the same universe.

I'll leave the analysis until here because I don't want to go into too much detail, I prefer you to discover the wonders that this game has in store for you.

Highly recommended.

Yakuza 3, the black sheep of the franchise. Is it that bad? Is the combat so bad it makes the game unplayable? The answer to both those questions is NO.
The story is a bit messy and and the combat can be annoying sometimes, but during most random fights against mobsters it works very well most of the time! But wheen it's annoying it's really not fun. I don't know who thought making sometimes block nearly all of your attacks was a good idea.
The story starts with a very different premise, but after a bit Kiryu gets tangled in yakuza stuff. The characters in Y3 like Rikiya, Nakahara, Joji, Mine,etc are very good! It's mostly okay with some really good moments here and there.
What the well was THAT just to show that everything's fine after 10 mins. Anyways, this is a fun Yakuza game, not as good as the others I've played (0, Kiwami 1 and 2), but still good!

Rock Wins Wolverine - Uncaged Edition

Jogo pode ser bem divertido com o combate e o gore que é esperado pro Wolverine (alguns momentos acaba sendo meio brega mas levo em conta por jogo ser de 2009), porém cai em mesmice e uma falta de variedade de combate pq tudo leva a lutar com 1 a 4 Wendigo, quando joga o flashback dessa vez muda pra um re-skin do Wendigo que os dois são derrotado da mesma forma.

Bom pra jogar numa tarde só pra passar tempo.

nota: Toda vez que o Wolverine upa ele ganha uma regata nova.

This is game is so bad in so many ways it's almost unbelievable. The voice acting is pretty meh to straight up bad, graphics are atrocious at times, mission design is horrible, the gameplay is SUPER REPETITIVE. Some choices are interesting but that's it.

I'm so fucking glad they made the story less dense by letting you multitask in some places, adding a bit of humor and more cool moments.

not to mention there's an actual focus on the story now aside of just the powers that be which I truly appreciate. I really enjoyed it a lot

This was pretty fun, the I thing I disliked most about the game is the apparent adaptive difficulty system, if you don't die a lot you willl sometimes die with just one shot, it was a bit annoying sometimes when there were a lot of enemies in one place. The story is good, I liked the graphic novels panels as "cutscenes", the art style there is very nice. Graphically the game still looks good imo, played it on pc with everything maxed out. The soundtrack is also nice! Normal gunplay feels a bit clunky but I'd say that's okay since this is a 22 year-old game, but during bullet time while dodging it feels very good! There were a couple times where Max would sometimes get stuck mid air when I needed to jump to a certain spot and he would just go against an invisible barrier, that was a bit annoying too. I also thought the final fight and the aftermath were a bit underwhelming. I'm sure that if I played it a couple years ago I'd have enjoyed the gameplay a bit more but by today's standards it feels a bit clunky. 7.5/10

Not as good as season one imo, but still good.

A lot of games miss the mark when trying to tell a story about feeling empathy and caring for its characters. TWD Season One is not one of those games.

Wow what Moral Decisions, kill child for 5 extra health! Or don't!

I don't know, I really enjoyed this one. It's cool to see "survivor stories" and also seeing them in the next installment

É como se tu tivesse preso num sonho e tu ta sempre brigando nele e tu ta todo lento fudido n acerta nada

It can be goofy, it can be unrealistic, but the story is hooking enough if you're into dramatic detective stuff. You control a lot of characters with multiple stories that later connect themselves and that's really cool

It is definitely not a perfect game, but it is quite enjoyable.
Characters can actually die and that keeps the tension up there.

It is a 2010 game though, so it's full of QTEs