141 Reviews liked by HenX

All you people giving this a negative score are insane, if you don't think this is a good game you just don't like classic FPS games.

I'm amazed on how much they nailed on their first entry into the series. Granted Medal of Honor already set the framework for what to do, but Call of Duty just nails everything immediately. The American campaign feels like you're in a war movie, the British Campaign feels like Medal of Honor in the sense you're doing WW2 James Bond shit, but this time you're actually British, and the Russian Campaign is Immersive, captivating, and chaotic.

Gun play feels tight and satisfying, set-pieces all hit, missions are filled with variety, it's just a great time. Only lasting about 8 hours it doesn't overstay its welcome. There is some old game jank but it can be dealt with pretty easily tbh.

They got the WW2 formula down to a science. If you enjoy classic FPS games ignore these other reviews and give this game a shot.

yeah haha, u know who made this game right? how fuckin dare u dude, how dare u, u like the game? fuck off. get out.

Very fun coop game that you can beat in one sitting.

Finally a good game in the #1 spot

Erm…well THAT just happened!!!

Played and completed the demo so my experience will be based on that because I am NEVER spending $70 on this game lmao. Not least of which is because I don’t have a PS5 nor do I ever plan on getting one, but also because the game runs like crap on my PC (I cranked the resolution down to 720p and it still stuttered like crazy) and the game itself is very…blah. Combat is actually kiiiinda fun with the different spells you can mix together, but it’s also pretty easy to kill things and lacks any satisfying crunch + enemies barely react to your attacks at all nor do they really try to attack you. Parkour is kinda fun but it‘s mechanically shallow and the game performs most of it for you as you automatically vault over obstacles, there’s very little skill expression to be found outside of the context sensitive grapple pull. The world itself is pretty boring, the most lifeless and generic grass forest wasteland I have ever seen in a video game, barring like one or 2 setpieces, and the dialogue that comes out of Frey’s mouth makes me want to die. It’s not overly offensive like I thought it was gonna be but I’m also positive I’ve seen everything the game has to offer in one fell swoop.

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My first Metal Gear, seminal moment in gaming for me, Psycho Mantis made fun of me for saving my game so often, so when I got hit by the Ocelot torture scene I had not saved since just after the Mantis fight, which Ocelot was very keen to remind me of, and asked if I really wanted to walk down that long road again, I didn't, I panicked, I'm sorry Meryl...

Very uninspired set of missions that gives you more of the same, but very little new content thanks to its rampant reuse and remixing of Hitman 2016 base content. If you want more missions, its not a terrible way to spend your time, but it is quite skippable.

none of you have played this lmao shut up with your half star reviews

No. I’m not even gonna waste my time giving a 5 page thesis about this game.

Here’s the short version: “Crap story. Dropped sub-plots. Forgettable characters. Lifeless voice acting from Samus. Retroactively hurts Fusion. Gameplay has a lot of potential, but came out with lackluster execution. You’re moving in a 3D space with a D-pad (wrap your head around that for a sec). Getting power ups is retarded in this game. No Metroid soul. No real sense of exploration. Even more linear than Fusion. Dodge roll + Charge Beam = OP. Looks and sounds great. Worst soundtrack in the entire franchise.”

I’m not mad; I’m disappointed.

Portal is a classic game that changed the industry forever. I played Portal 2 years before but the original game was in my backlog since its release. A few weeks ago, I turned on my PS3 after so many years and finally gave it a chance.

When you play this game on the PS3 you see how old it is. The loading screens take forever to finish and the gameplay looks kind of old. Even with all that, you can have a lot of fun and the puzzles are still very good.

Portal 2 improved everything designed in this one but this doesn't make Portal bad.

The game is really short but it's incredible how the story and the gameplay are really good.

If you have the chance to play Portal, play Portal. It's a short game that you'll have a lot of fun and see how the industry used a lot of things designed for it.

Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure is one of the most beautiful games from the Game Advance. Nobody can say otherwise.

The gameplay is near perfect. It’s really enjoyable fight against regular enemies or bosses.

Something I also have to say is: this game is really hard. The stages are huge and if you die, you’ll have to go back to a certain point and lost almost everything you did. It’s a classic ‘00 game and today I think it’s almost impossible to finish it without save state.

The story is the same one of the Dragon Ball anime. You’ll see the fist steps of Goku when he was I child.

Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure is a really fun game but really hard in its original hardware. I say that you have to give it a chance only if you are able to play it on a emulator.

Honestly, the whole time I was playing this I was thinking of this

Astolfo is the hottest fictional character in the history of mankind. I wish femboys were real.

(Sadly, my original “overly sexual” review was deleted.)