140 Reviews liked by HenX

I've been looking forward to playing Outer Wilds ever since it came out, I heard pretty much everyone who played it say that it would change your life and I didn't exactly go in with those expectations, but I thought it would be my kind of thing! I have played a good few hours of it now and bounced off it eventually each time, it's probably just not for me! I am not rating the game however because my issues with it are more to do with me than the game. I wasn't interested in reading the Nomai transcripts, I didn't feel like I had a reason to care about what happened to them, nor did I want to find out why it happened. I liked the little puzzles and discovering new things, but the reward was always a little bit more Nomai dialogue. I realised at a certain point that the game was reminding me of my job as a Tech Support wanker. I worked in a job before where each problem we were dealing with we had to resolve in 20 minutes or we needed to escalate it to a different member of the team, so naturally I got quite good at gleaning the relevant information I needed from an email or phone call about an issue as quickly as i could, discarding whatever additional fluff there was and then trying out a few ideas as to what might solve this persons problem, hopefully fix it somehow and then move onto the next one. A lot of the time it was systems I was unfamililar with and I'd just have to try and work it out during this timeframe, basically throwing your head against this alien technology until you can just about get it to work. It got to the point where you don't really care what the problem is or what is going on, just how to make it stop or go away. The outer wilds has a lot more going on than just seeing an email from Wendy again saying that the software she uses isn't working properly and then trying to work out what's going on (puzzle), while basically filtering out any superfluous information that she gives (plot) but it made me feel like I was at work enough to really grind my gears. It's clearly a brilliantly designed thing, of the stuff I found in my few hours with it I really enjoyed the statue workshop and the caverns on the planet that was slowly being filled up with sand. Unfortunately no matter how hard I tried I couldn't help but feel like I was just doing my day job and you know what, fuck that

game has no jackals in it

Bring back actions having consequences 🗣️🗣️🗣️

If I wanted to get blamed for shit I didn't do then I would have just called my ex instead of playing this.

And yes like everyone else, I got sweet but aloof

Take a shot everytime you see a bait review of this game. Death is simply inevitable

FromSoftware finally remembered what good gameplay is

Simple but effective horror game. Can be completed in one sitting so its great to play if you have an evening free. If you're a fan of horror games you should definitely give it a go.

Why do peoples rate it like its a triple AAA game when it's a fanmade demake. it's literally a "what if this game was on PS1" so of course it's less polished and more clunky than the real bloodborne. at least it now there is a reason why its 30 FPS. Game was great and fun. would recommend for bloodborne fans that need more.

Reddit game and also an important piece of the pretentious hivemind that is this site.



Was bleibt dem Spiel wenn es die Katze nicht gäbe?
Eine hübsche Cyberpunk Welt, süße Roboter, eine mittelmäßige Story und langweiliges Gameplay.

Wie gern würde ich allein wegen der Katze 4 oder 5 Sterne für dieses Spiel geben. Die tatsache, dass man miauend auf vier Pfoten unterwegs ist, lässt über viele Kritikpunkte hinwegsehen. Es bleibt aber nicht viel übrig und trotz der sehr kurzen Spieldauer hatte ich keine Lust mich an einem zweiten Durchgang zu setzen.

Es gibt kein richtiges Platforming da Aktionen nur an bestimmten Stellen, sobald das "X-Symbol" des Playstation Controllers angezeigt wird, ausgeführt werden können. Um schnell voran zu kommen heißt das also, dass man beim rennen stets die "X-Taste" drückt um sofort abspringen zu können. Man muss nie die Sprunghöhe/tiefe oder Enternung einschätzen und gezielt springen.

Ansonsten besteht das Gameplay leider nur aus vielen anneinander gereihten Fetch-Quests und eher simplen stealth-passagen. Die aber zum großteil ganz okay in die Handlung eingebunden sind.

Ich kann den Hype um das Spiel verstehen, - i mean you play as a effing CAT! - dass es aber für GOTY aufgestellt wurde finde ich etwas übertrieben. Man kann auf jedenfall reinschauen und man verbringt damit bestimmt ein paar schöne Stunden. Man sollte jedoch kein Indie-Hit erwarten und ich gehe fedt davon aus, dass es ziemlich schnell vergessen wird.

Why did I stop playing this back when it first came out? Dead Space is a phenomenal game. Not only is it a terrifying experience with its setting and tense atmosphere. It is also an amazing shooter with satisfying gameplay and unique mechanics.

Interested to see what the remake adds to Dead Space because I already consider the original a masterpiece. A must play for gamers.

Hi. I'm Saul Goodman. Did you know that you have rights? The Constitution says you do.

And so do I. I believe, that until proven guilty,

every man, woman, and child in this country is innocent.

And that's why I fight for you,


this one is definitely more of a time investment to get good at than ridge racer, as drifting is a lot more meticulous than that games simplistic control style thanks to it being manually gear-shifty-based. It makes this game definitely harder to get into because at first the car feels really stiff and unresponsive, but the more you play it the more you can get out of it as you slowly figure out what makes the car tick. That kind of depth is what all arcade games strive for, and this game has it in spades. Also the OST is legendary. DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Pretty decent for what it is, inspired me to go back and play the other DOOM titles.