Can we please stop putting MMO bosses into action games?

The game itself is perfectly fine, but the german cd case is a fu**ing scam. There was no sex!

They have ruined this once great franchise!

It is obviously a doom clone...


Great graphics, average gameplay
In terms of graphics, Black is truly impressive for a PS2 game. The effects are fantastic and parts of the levels can be destroyed. Black doesn't limit this destruction to just explosive barrels or shattered windows. You can also shoot new passages into walls or even blow up half of a building. Explosions often chain together, filling the screen with explosions, especially in minefields. Enemy bunkers can be destroyed with grenades or rocket launchers. These are all great details, but here lies the biggest issue with Black: All these features are unfortunately hardly relevant in terms of gameplay. While you can occasionally create new pathways through walls, the game doesn't create interesting scenarios with this mechanic. And even though it's cool to blow up half of a building with explosive tanks, gameplay-wise, it's not more relevant than a regular red barrel.
Yet, despite the fact that the core of the game is just an average shooter, it kept me entertained throughout the entire (and thankfully relatively short) campaign. Even though it might not have much gameplay significance, it's still satisfying to blast doors open with a shotgun. However, many things are unfortunately limited to being a great idea, but nothing more.

Wow. I really didn't have high expectations for this game. I didn't like from the beginning that there are 1000 planets. Nevertheless, I could understand the artistic intention behind this decision. And the gameplay presentation looked quite promising. And I even liked Fallout 4.
And yes, Starfield is not Fallout, but Starfield lacks what is most important for a Bethesda game, and what Fallout 4 still did very well: Big quests for different factions that all felt relevant to the game world, and where I could decide from the beginning which faction to join. And that was my only expectation for Starfield. But no, instead of letting me explore this vast universe and join any faction, Starfield forces me to join the Constellation. A group full of boring do-gooders. And instead of giving me the opportunity to decline joining and find another faction, I am brought into the Crimson Fleet within the main quest anyway and then I get the opportunity to join them. Thanks for that, Bethesda, so much for the advertised freedom.
At this point, I could also complain about the super crappy skill system, which has been completely ass since Fallout 4. And Starfield even manages to make skills like Speech feel even less rewarding here because the game wants to steer me towards just one story path anyway. But hey, not every game can be Fallout New Vegas. And we've already established that Starfield doesn't give a shit about freedom.
It makes me fucking angry. What makes Bethesda games stand out the most is even further removed here. Instead, you get the most boring game I've played in years. Thanks for that, Bethesda.

For a brick...
he flew pretty good.

We need the special items back!

Great game. You can kill the chicken.

funny train game
i like trains
some technical issues
the choo-choo sound terrified me every time
overall, a decent game with a lot of potential
3 out of 5

The game would be better without the missions in Japan. The russian part is magnificently executed and plays really well. The same cannot be said about the japanese missions. The visibility there is an absolute disaster. I almost felt sick while playing because everything blends together in terms of color. Enemies are difficult to spot, and the jungle areas all look the same, which quickly becomes monotonous.

So... I actually just wanted to play Half-Life Abridged. Therefore, I only played the few levels up to the abridged part and consider the game as completed for myself. Maybe I'll play the rest at some point; it seems to be quite good.

Not as good as the main game but still underrated.