The first 3 or so stories in the game are charming and great, then it feels like the quality falls off hard. If only the game could be as good as the first 1/3rd or half. The one with the ghosts was it at it's peak.

Honestly just one of the best horror games around, it is a lot more horror and serious than the original version with this remake. The game is pretty, has a lot of level design quality, and it's just suspenseful.

Fun with a friend or s/o, not the best game by any stretch but you could get some joy out of it, some of the situations are very wacky and over the top.

Very charming western isometric rpg where you have a party xcom style (not as hardcore) and you can build out your main however you want like a dnd character + soft improvement paths to choose from for your party, just a good game, but it's 2 sequels are even better.

Honestly I don't understand people who like the core gameplay loop of just driving around and shooting people, and the characters aren't interesting enough to drive this game considering how long it takes to drive to locations, and a lot of missions have you driving to places without fast travel or anything.

Fun purely on doing it with friends, there is some scares but it's repetitive enough where friends are needed.

Charming isometric rpg mixed with rt gameplay, the rts in the story is my least favorite but overall still a solid and pretty game of it's type.

I'd argue this is one of the best horror games in the industry, indie or not. I'd argue this is one of my favorite indie games in general, if not the most. Great game lol. Horror mixed with modern corporate culture, with resident evil style gameplay without the combat + occasional soft stealth. (so you'll be backtracking to old areas with key items to get into other locations you couldn't before, etc etc, while avoiding horrific creatures)

Can't recommend this game enough.

Repetitive game made by a bad developer. Overall the only saving grace is it's gameplay loop, but it boring, plus the dev is a bad person.

Short but very charming, multi endings

Its gameplay is unique. It thrives on it's parkour.

Such a cool vibe, some annoyingly difficult boss segments though and drags on a little too long.