Great gameplay with skill trees that push is well past souls-likes, fun bosses, and overall just a nice comfort game weirdly for me.

Great gameplay with skill trees that push is well past souls-likes, fun bosses, and overall just a nice comfort game weirdly for me.

The game feels to drag a little more than the first Nioh and also has worse level design, but also burst counter and yokai abilities are fun asf tbh.

As wide as skyrim, as deep as a puddle. Ultimately bad gameplay, weak main story, a lot of boring fetch quests in similar locations, etc makes this game pretty trash.

Great couch co op game where your skills can interact with the world in creative ways beyond just combat.

Charming game that is full of good beautiful content, but drags on a little more than I'd want.

It's a very large game, too large, also it requires a little more grinding than I'd want, overall I find the game pretty good but just drags on far too much, like twice it's length too long.

Good game watered down by one of the most annoying endings in gaming, not just disappointing but just overall insulting, undermining the rest of the game and series.

Charming isometric rpg mixed with rt gameplay, the rts in the story is my least favorite but overall still a solid and pretty game of it's type.

Very good and decently long western rpg with an interesting template for world, this is the third game and I really like the whole trilogy.

Great mystery/pseudo science visual novel series (all 3, these 2 are the better ones overall than the 3rd sold separately though) that makes multiple paths canon in an interesting way.

Solid tactics game with a lot of content to it for it's time. Also nice artstyle.

Solid visual novel with an assortment of interesting characters, bigger but not necessarily as charming as the first one, but a lot of people might disagree.

Solid game that has a charming cast, interesting puzzles in it's first person shooter gameplay (with how unique ammo types are), and just a fun experience overall.

My favorite in the series, there is a lot of tension, mystery, etc to it, should be played first. Overall it's just a quirky murder mystery about people being pushed to their limits, shallow characters but nice art, premise, etc.

Solid game for it's time but probably hasn't aged well by modern standards, the dlc were charming though.