"She'll never dance with us again, no matter what we do."

What do I even say to this, man? This has been a game I've been meaning to play for a very, very long time and I'm glad I finally finished it, because holy shit. Might write a big review later but I'm too stunned at the moment, that ending genuinely knocked all the air out of me and is pretty easily the closest a game has come to making me cry in ages. fuck.

This review contains spoilers

Not as outwardly terrible as I was expecting but this is still pretty bad lmao. I think the biggest sin of this game isn't that it's tactless and exploitative - which it is, but I'm not necessarily against that kind of story-telling because I think you can get at deeper truths about mental illness and other such things through a "tactless" approach - it's major problem is that in all it's bluntness and graphic imagery it doesn't really get at anything meaningful or interesting to say. It kinda hits on a lot of heavy topics - child abuse, loneliness, bullying, suicide etc etc but I never feel that it coalesces into a complete, satisfying experience because the narrative feels so clumsily put together.

There's also the other elephant in the room; this is trying to replicate the highs of PT like so many other horror games have been trying to do since that demo sent shock-waves nearly 10 years ago (!!) and it just never replicates it. I don't think it's without it's cool moments; going through your childhood home in a loop while your character gets progressively smaller and smaller until she relives a traumatic memory of her mother locking her in the closet is pretty effective despite the scene itself imo and is the closest this comes to really understanding why PT worked so well. Aside from that, this is not really the greatest in terms of it's design! I don't have a huge disdain for the final chase like a lot of other people seem to have (it only took me 3 tries) and I guess it put me on the edge of my seat, but only because I had to kite Sakura-Head (or whatever they end up calling it) around in order to find the very last interactive item and I didn't wanna lose my progress - aside from that it's a pretty bad climax with the monster which is a shame, because the design is fucking incredible and one of my favourites in recent years and I just wish it's final chase wasn't as clunky as it was.

Couple of more bullet points because I'm writing this on the fly:

- I think a lot of people's criticism of the bluntness/lack of subtlety in this isn't necessarily off point, but they seem to have an issue with this being unsubtle in general which is distinctly not the issue here - the issue is that literally everything in the game is blunt and it takes away from each story beat so much - maybe the reveal of Anita bullying Maya would've hit harder if it felt like the game wasn't spelling it out at every turn; I came across the hate-filled note and it's pretty easy to guess the outcome of it, at least imo

- I think the environment design is pretty cool! for all the issues the final chase has, it looks great and the graffiti art is beautifully detailed

- very funny to see the game immediately start off with a note about how COVID-19 stagnated the growth of a town. I don't even have any thoughts on that I just think it's funny as shit

- I think the presentation of the game leaves a bit to be desired with me; don't mind the way that it uses live-action cutscenes with lip syncing that's slightly off because we'll never achieve the same sense of unreality that Silent Hill 2 did with it's FMV's and this is a neat enough substitute, even if the actual scenes themselves aren't directed in any particularly interesting way but I think the way this keeps using 3rd person cutscenes makes this feel a lot more jumbled then it already is. maybe I'm insane, but idk it bugged me

I think that's all my thoughts? I don't know man, I just find this to be more underwhelming then anything. not the worst thing I've ever played but this is still pretty bad!

Basically a perfect horror game; such a laser-focused experience that didn't let up once in my entire playthrough - I don't really get scared by much any more but this routinely made me shit myself in a way I haven't experienced since I played Alien Isolation as a kid back in 2015. It's kind of a miracle that this balances itself as well as it does - each of the mechanics introduced in this walk a perfect tightrope of being intentionally arduous and stressful without crossing over into annoying territory and it brings a certain weight to literally every action you take; each time I shut a door too loudly I think my soul left my body. Speaking of scares; I love how almost every scare I experienced in this game (besides like, 3?) are all unscripted moments - I think it's so fucking cool that I didn't even get a glimpse of the monster, feeling him as a all encompassing presence until the prison section, where I spotted him lurking in the dark. It's one of the most genuinely frightening moments I've experienced in recent memory and it's insane to think that it was born completely organically.

don't even know what else to say about this thing, it's perfect! Adored this so much, excited to go back and play it more soon.

"Motherfucking no."

in the club where I think this is miles better than the first game (there's dozens of us!!) - really, if the game didn't totally flub it's ending story-wise I wouldn't hesitate to call this a great game. The atmosphere here is second to none, especially the school sections which routinely scared the shit out of me (the first big scare that legitimately made me shout) and the chases are usually really tense and well designed! I really do not get the trial and error criticism because I never found myself getting lost for long periods of time, and I'm a fucking moron!

more bullet points because I'm eepy and don't feel like writing

- I have a soft spot for blood rain so I immediately adored chapter 4

- the transitions to the flashbacks (for the most part) were incredible, legitimately stunned me almost every time it happened

- fully understand why you'd hate how extreme this thing goes with the gore but idk, I really liked just how far it takes its extremity. SA stuff still fucking blows though.

all in all I really liked this for the most part! Everyone's wrong, this rocks

"what if we made outlast.......but good?"

literally the exact same issues and strengths as the previous DLC - bad stealth gameplay (even if I think the gimmicks are a bit more fun this time around and there's nothing as bad as the elevator wait in The Assignment) but the story is still cool and the presentation is fucking stellar. all in all, they're fine!

Replayed on PC for the first time. perfect game.

completely kicked my ass. have a few issues with this (mainly the camera and that the final boss is kinda bad/unenjoyable, even if I only really dislike the first phase) but really I can't complain about a game that made me actually proud of myself for beating it. dante must die will take years off my life

One of my favourite games of all time. Currently playing through on PC right now! Give or take 60 hours in it, if we include PS4.

125 hours logged. I will easily quadruple that time played by the end of the year. What else can I say?

Played through around 4 times to completion.

10 hours played. Pretty fucking great!

damn near a perfect game - I think the pacing in episode 3 lets the narrative down a little bit and the objects straight up suck to fight (the bridge of ep6 is absolute hell) and I guess you could argue the shooting mechanics leave a bit to desire but I really don't care when your story - specifically the delivery of it - is this good. the way this plays around with concepts of fiction integrating itself into reality is so endlessly fasincating and the way the DLC expands on it is nothing short of mind blowing; the main game here is good, really good in fact, but it's the two DLC chapters (the best parts of the game) that really take the concepts of the game to their creative extremes. also the DLC is just a technical marvel - have no clue how they pulled off that maze on the 360 lol. excited to move onto American Nightmare and Control !!

mostly fine. a mostly inconsquential addition to the first game with snappier combat that adds some flavour text to characters from the first (and gives you a ton of time with Mr Sparky - the best part of the game) but it's nothing major. it's fun for what it is!

so much shorter then I anticipated and doesn't really tell me much in the way of how this is gonna play but I really dig the atmosphere on display here! I should dive into this franchise at some point

sure? decided to play this on a whim and I had like 25 minutes of fun with it, can't really ask for much more. gambling is great.