A fun Lego game but a let down from the first. Tried to do to much and a decent story. If you’re looking for fun there are better Lego games but this can do.

This is the greatest game I have ever played. The story, characters, and open world I second to none.

A let down compared to the masterpiece the first is. Improved visuals but lacking a good story and characters besides Aloy.

A fun sequel that introduces miles in a great way. A little short but a great time.

A fun Lego game but a boring open world.

A fun story game with emotional story

A fun time with friends and a good time overall.

Not an engaging story with no real characters and a bland open world. Real disappointment from watch dogs 2.

Absolute masterpiece and finishes the series perfectly.

The characters in this game and the side missions really carried this game. I felt truly attached to everyone but the combat and main story fell a bit flat for me.

Super confusing and weird but in a good way. A little short but man did I like it.

A really good time and interesting gameplay.