Really fun story and characters and cheesy in a good way

Really short but very fun puzzles and a great time with your friends

The story and characters were absolutely phenomenal. The gameplay, while basic, was very well done and polished well. Highly recommend.

It’s horrible. Terrible everything I don’t know what they were thinking.

Absolutely perfect story with perfect characters. Blown away.

Bland story but characters and free roam is enjoyable.

Went in with low expectations but this proved me wrong. Very fun game with great story and surprises.

This game was fantastic. Amazing characters, amazing story, and fantastic combat. Map was a bit confusing though.

Fantastic game with fantastic characters and a compelling story. Highly recommend.

Great game and characters. A little bloated however.

The characters and combat make this an extraordinary experience

Beautiful environment but bland story

This game improves on the first and has such great characters and a great story. Interesting and fun combat.

Way too big story is incredibly long with no real pay off. However good characters, beautiful world, fun gameplay