February, 2024

January, 2024

I don't see any STALKER here at all. It's more or less an uncluttered path from HL2 to this. Not bad, just not especially compelling.
Appreciate what this is trying to be, but I disagree with some of the choices they've made. And I don't think I have the patience for a player character this agonizingly slow.


i do gotta get better at math, can't argue with that

December, 2023


the writing is far from the totality of this game's bizarre mediocrity. the cutscenes are genuinely some of the worst I've ever seen, and the opening section is intensely tedious

but also yes, the writing is challenging. it's kinda weird how crass she is? sincerely, I love swearing, but this girl makes me feel like a prude. I'm assuming it's to set up a shift, where she's excessively caustic and then progressively softens, which could be fine, I just... can't get attached to someone this unlikable

very good cat


even doing my best to put aside my feelings on real world law enforcement, the vibes in this game are fucking grody, dude

i don't even say shit like that, that's how off-putting it is


Not that interested in these characters or what they're doing. Doesn't intrigue me like Anodyne 2 did.

November, 2023


fun to see more examples of UE5. not much else was worthwhile
Way too languid, and the storytelling doesn't compel me to continue.


Ahhhhh- this is good. It is. But it's missing something that keeps it from connecting fully for me. The gameplay is a little sparse. And there's technical cruft that just needed to be ironed out.

It's nearly there. Almost.

October, 2023

September, 2023


Deep appreciation for Freyre's creative output. Speaks directly to my own history with games.

Doesn't always come together in a way where I'm enjoying the game itself, but it's centered on a clarity of purpose and direction that I really do like.

The man also knows how to title a god damn video game.


This is a puzzle game, huh? Not what I expected. And not exactly what I wanted.


Something changed. I don't know which - the writing, or me. I really liked the other two games. 15 years ago.

Probably me.

August, 2023


Lovely presentation, just very cute in general. Not really for me, though.


Cute. I don't think I'll spend the time required to finish it, but it's definitely neat.
Nice presentation, fun enough to start. I have zero interest in continuing after getting my first relic. I think I need something pulling me through games like these. Feels like an empty meal, nothing to chew on.