September, 2020


Solid construction, just doesn't appeal to me.
So entirely up my alley, but some parts feel kinda busted. Fun enough for a session.

July, 2020

June, 2020

Something here just doesn't feel right, and it's not Ron Perlman's voice.

May, 2020


Replayed most of the game, just didn't want to redo the last bit, which requires some hunting and a fairly uninteresting boss fight. Still fun up until that point.


More or less how I remembered it. Not as willing to keep playing as I was 11 years ago, but it's alright.
~35% of the levels completed. Solid game, just not quite my thing.

April, 2020


Aged poorly, visually maybe worst of all. The storytelling was already bad then, it's sure as shit not great now.

Kicking people's still fun, though.

November, 2019

December, 2014

July, 2011