Death Stranding: You Are/Can(Not) Alone/Advance/Redo + 3.0 + 1.0

Are the devs gay or something? They made the guys so fucking hot lmao

How to ruin a perfect Racing game franchise. BY ADDING FUCKING KINECT

This game is basically my high school experience. Mp3 player with edgy music as people pass by you, emotionless and not giving a single fuck. This game was made for me.

I was never really into or cared about this until playing it with friends. Then I realized this game has untapped potential for some of the most fun things ever.

In my restless dreams...
I see that town... Silent Hill...

Very thematic and atmospheric game.
I guess this is what people mean when they say this game is like a trial to understand yourself more.
Like Mary says: 'Go on with your life.'

Very nice story tbh
Also Adachi is best boy

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This bundle is the most perfect thing I've ever played (and to make it better it came out on my birthday).

Klonoa 2 is forever one of my favourite games of all time. Hyuponia (Kingdom of Sorrow) is my favourite stage of the entire game (next to Jungle Slider and Mira Mira) and it shows how well designed and the music, (oh lord dem tunes) they are the best of this game.

King of Sorrow you are the definition of a great villain introduced at the eleventh hour and yet still delivers one of the biggest messages in a video game because of the sheer accuracy of what these games are all about.

Thank you for rekindling my love for these games after so long.

Don't you think blondes have more fun 8D


It's a fine last hurrah to the franchise.
Gameplay is great and voice acting (while at first I didn't like the Sam voice change it grew on me but it'll never surpass Michael Ironside).
Level wise it's insanely great and varied.
Story has a few weird things going but it's minor stuff.
Cast wise everyone is great, Kobin is just eating every scene and to think I used to hate the guy back in Conviction for being a little bitch.
Grim roasting people left and right as she should cuz she a girlboss.
Charlie and Briggs are fine. And Sam is still just the Sam we all know and love.

Hello darkness my old friend
When I was a kid I used to be afraid of the dark and watched a LOT of Twin Peaks.
I got used to it so much that being in the dark felt like an old acquaintance always watching on my shoulders.
Playing this game felt just like that, though this time it's trying to kill you while sinking its teeth in your thoughts and doubts.

An amazing game overall.
A childhood welcome back love letter kind of game.
Alan maybe my favourite character in the Remedyverse games.
Also Old Gods of Asgard/Poets of the Fall fucking rock!!

Honestly? I like it. Shame it's a very short game.
The concepts of how much Alan loathes his darker part are pretty good and having the Dark Place take physical manifestation of him is pretty good. While also grasping the stuck in purgatory hell syndrome, which is somewhat relatable (Twin Peaks wink wink wonk wonk in the corner) I know it's you BOB xD
Also man Scratch is the perfect kind of guy that you hate but also like due to his shenanigans. (He ain't laying a finger on Barry or Alice or so god help me)

Fun platformer and a solid remake.
Minus a few bosses where it gets a bit stupid and you get hit like nothing. All the minigames with the mazes are super fun and the ost is catchy too.