188 Reviews liked by ISleeepster



A great modernization of Doom that aims to be a fun action game first and foremost.
I do prefer the exploration in the older games, and the combat here does get a bit repetitive towards the end, but this is still more then worthy of the Doom title.

I wanted to give it a fair shot and y'know what, I kinda had fun in the first few hours.
That said this game is bad. Like EMBARRASSINGLY bad.
The movement is awkward, the level design is horrendous, the story makes NO sense, every character is either boring or straight up unlikable, the villains motive is incomprehensible, HELL EVERYONE'S MOTIVE IS INCOMPREHENSIBLE, the dialogue feel generated by an ai with the only prompt being "make it as edgy as possible", if this shit isn't the worst ff game then i dunno what is.
It has reeve though which elevates it from a 2 to a 3/10, love the little guy (he's a grown ass man but whatever)

Very much a well put together fan game with a lot of soul and love for the source material.
It does still very much feel like a fan game, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, this was a pretty fun time!

i wasn't going to log the dlcs for borderlands 2 but this one really surprised me in how good it was. it does have some of the most annoying enemies in the game so far (Fuck You Skeleton Seer) but i really liked how they actually tried to like. do something more than just spew stupid shit and have me kill stuff. music was good too and i liked it when zero talked

more like Spyro 2: Rip My Balls Off because this shit is great. these were the best days of my life, when i loved playing outside more than anything else and having to come in and play spyro was like a worst case scenario. i didnt know how good i had it back then

This is a remake of a DS game that I've never heard of but it was developed by Cing that also made Hotel Dusk which I really liked so I was already hooked just by that.
It's pretty short but the story is pretty interesting and got some really good moments, like the moment I got to the scene in the cove I actually got chills, realizing what was the meaning of the painting back in the start of the game.
I didn't find the puzzles that interesting but sometimes the game changes the gameplay a bit like going into first person mode and having to work your way into the dark, but the puzzles themselves were pretty simplistic but it's not as if I was expecting something complex to be honest, but I just got this feeling that they were probably more dynamic and interesting in the DS because of the dual screen.
So yeah, this is a pretty good game, it takes a while to get interesting but taking in consideration how short it is that's practically nothing and when it gets interesting it gets REALLY interesting so it's a pretty nice experience.

Fun simple game where you SMACK DOWN various MEATS and CREATURES, make various FRIEND(S) (singular), SOB UNCONTROLLABLY, walk certain distances, never use any items such as BLOOD and NUTS, learn about ARCANE facts that give the game a STATELY PRESENCE even if you never use any of the information, sometimes games need to make TALKING FUN, why do games make so much BORING TALKING.

many happy songs performed beautifully, though sometimes i think there is a profound sadness in her heart

This was such a unique interesting little game, mixing light survival horror with A JRPG.
Gameplay wasn’t the best, but man the VIBES, the CHARACTERS, the ACTUAL GOOD ENGLISH VOICE ACTING, oh man it was such a fun ride.
Clears every PS1 Resident Evil.

While I'm definitely more of a 2 person, I can see why so many love this one as much as they do.
The atmosphere is on point and the story still has a lot of great moments, I liked how this expended on the first game, even if I prefer 2's smaller scope.



Brink provided me the experience of buying a 60 cent physical copy from Gamestop. This was back in around 2013 or 2014, so the game wasn't even that old - this shit bombed hard. I love TF2 and Counter Strike so I gave this game a chance, and for the price I guess it was alright. It feels pretty barebones and lacks much personality, but the gameplay is fine. They hype up this parkour running system, but again, it's just kinda okay. Overall Brink is mediocre across the board - I'm glad I paid 60 cents instead of 60 dollars.

Some parts of it are better than the previous game and some parts aren't, mid to endgame though is where I enjoyed it the most but overall its definitely worth experiencing if you don't mind old dungeon crawlers, would love to try the PSX version someday.

Before Dark souls III, my only two from soft experiences were Sekiro and Elden RIng, which I honestly consider both to be masterclasses in their own right. This meant high expectations going into DSIII as my first DS experience, and it did not disappoint. While the muted color palette may throw some people off, this game is simply beautiful and just emanates that sad and lonely feeling of a dying world. Everything is so somber and cold but it just works so well. Don't even get me started on the bosses, bangers the entire way. Abyss watchers, twin princes, nameless king, soul of cinder, and then you enter the dlc areas AND IT KEEPS GETTING BETTER! While I think overall the game is not that difficult, difficulty does not equal a compelling or fun game. These bosses are well designed not because they kill you fast, but because their storytelling and aesthetic simply rule. DsIII is an amazing game that I enjoyed every second out of, and the only reason it does not receive 5/5 is that I simply do not think it hits the extreme highs of other fromsoft games that own that rating.